IG: iyaloo.bangzzz
Windhoek west
Consider being my blesser
Are you ready to be showered with brokenness tho??😂😂
What made you happy today? 100+
What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?
None I guess?
What makes you happy?
Mom & Dad❤❤
My boyfriaaan❤
Frennnnns and besfriiiaaaannns❤
Naps mannnnn?❤❤❤
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
They're a lot mannnnnnnn???
Why do you act funny always are you a comedian or you lacking something?
Yesss I'm a comedian bih?
Your A$$ got a mother fcking problem with that??????????
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
That I'm not rude at all.????
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
Being woken up from my nap??????
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Cuz it's a lil scary.????
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Eat up my food without my permission.????
App my 're 0812279314
Qoohs only??✔
2018 is popin itself bck to 2017
Imma commit suicide???
Plans for 2018?
Gain weight??
What if I'm a bad person like a killer or rapist?
Jail issa better place for you?
Roleplay - I'm hanging from a ledge for dear life. I look up and see you standing on the ledge looking down at me. What do you do to me next?
Ion kno what I'd do?,buh I think it'll depend on who you are.??
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
Answer to your stupid qooh??
If you could know
the absolute and total truth to
one question, what question
would you ask? Zombie_Nico
Where's the f???d??? ?????
What is the worst decision you ever made?
I'd prefer if you had asked decisions instead??????
What did your last relationship teach you?
In the end nothing lasts forever???
This is not a question but a tip: You can put your qooh.me link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.
You want me? I'm hеre bit.do/xxgirls danielles0845
Think again?
welcome to best double an*** fisting site tinyurl.com/wwsewxx tina8v613
Who want to see my nudes? tinyurl.com/wwsewxx rosario9u905
Getchu a mirror or sum?
Would you look at me? I'm here jxhotbox.info michelleo1978
Hi. I'm love suks big dck. My profile here xsweetxxhot.info sandrac5251
If that's gone pay your bills??
Keep on s*cking as many as you can mem???
Look for some fun ;) joy18cutegirl.men laura86858
Hey there ! Looking for some fun to get into? Me too! Let's get to know each other on a much more personal level jxhotbox.top denisesc221
I'm already having fun?
Personal level???????
My hot holes look here jxhotbox.stream stacycm639
My transparent panties ue4t3. tk tonyaqd394
How is this my business???
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
Last song you listened to ?
Ellie Goulding_Burn
Bish why you so mean?
Me? Mean ? Never???
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
My bad hair???
What was your biggest waste of money?
Buying something I ended up not using???
Describe Your Bestfriend?
She is hecka finnnnee??
What turns you off in a person?
Raw attitude?
Who's your Instagram crush?