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10 Replies

Loser the world is a better place without you

Lmao u r such a loser can't come up with anything new to say

Wouldntulike2no replied 3661 days ago

Your a waste of space. The world's a better place without you

Lmao u r such a loser can't come up with anything new to say

Wouldntulike2no replied 3661 days ago

This is my name loser. Hey a life. The world is a better place without you

Yep your name is loser Yep u should get a life and an education so your sentences make sense lol

Wouldntulike2no replied 3668 days ago

Your a wanna be.

Yah I wanna be lots of thing but defently not a loser like u

Wouldntulike2no replied 3668 days ago

Get a life

I have one seems u don't

Wouldntulike2no replied 3668 days ago

Get a life. The world is a better place without you get the hint loser. Travis is a cheater and he won't admit to anyone

Yep k

Wouldntulike2no replied 3668 days ago

Loser can't message the world is a better place without you

R u that lonely and have no friends that u have to keep messaging me Lmao get a life loser

Wouldntulike2no replied 3668 days ago

Hey a life loser the world is a better place without you. Your the one who stared writing shiet on my wall. Oh what you can't handle the truth

Your the loser who copied someone else's name wat couldn't come up with your own Wat u use travis fuller as your Facebook name too fukin loser

Wouldntulike2no replied 3670 days ago

Loser get a life

Kindergarten kids come up with better insults than you lmao

Wouldntulike2no replied 3670 days ago

Haha stop taking about yourself like that. Oh carloine failed year 10 how dumb can you be to fail. Shiet girl for a shiet boy travis, both as dumb as one another

Cool keep dreaming U r just so thick u can't understand plain English THis is NOT travis and I don't know Caroline Now go s*ck your mummy's titts and might as well sux your daddy's **** too u enjoy it so much u can't stop talking about it now F U K off

Wouldntulike2no replied 3671 days ago