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Toys, games ect?
Teasing people. I get that some people think it's funny and just joking but your hurting those people emotionally, so I don't like people teasing each other it's not cool...
Don't lead me on and drop me
Great girl! I love her
⚠ Crazy person!
OK so this is a tough one! I guess I just see things in those boys that others don't see...? And Ive been told from young by friends and people at school that I'm ugly and not worth it so I sort of started believing it... To be completely honest Its a very hard question to answer but would like to chat more in private about it... Message me on dm? ❤
Everyone is amazing in there own way but Idk what my way is yet?... I would have to ask one of my friends?.. ?❤
Aww! I have a feeling this is josh
Thanks buddy❤✌
Idk if I am flames but thanks
A block Nokia when I was like... 7 or 8
Awww!❤ Thanks for always being there for me even in my darkest times!❤ I love you too boo❤