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Ask away!

35 Replies

ily yadana plz b happy i will buy you 300 dollars wortht of chocolate christinehunter

I AM HAPPY! but if i have to be sad to get chocolate then yeah im sad :( chocolate asap pls

YadanaAye replied 4085 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

trade looks for intelligence, cause appearance shouldnt matter, being intelligent is more attractive, well to me anyways. though being both is just magnificent

YadanaAye replied 4085 days ago

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for and why?

1. obviously like world peace or anything that will make peoples lives easier in this world 2. selfish wish but i want unlimited chocolate for me 3. the ability to know when someones lying cause like i just hate lying even though im being a hypocrite but YEAH HAHA

YadanaAye replied 4085 days ago

what is your current mood?

damn it just happened to be that im answering that now, well im mad and upset and confused. BUT OVERALL I FEEL GREAT :D (Y)

YadanaAye replied 4085 days ago

Thoughts on me!!! :))) KNhian

KEVIN! you're a hilarious and kind guy even though you're a ***** to me HAHA i like the faces you make when somethings wrong or youre confused cause it just makes me laugh! You and Anna like **** perf couple, so cute make me jelly, last long ok? i hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday :)

YadanaAye replied 4085 days ago

What is missing in your life?

My own chocolate factory

YadanaAye replied 4107 days ago

WOAH, f***** ALERT! :D xo


YadanaAye replied 4107 days ago

any people you dislike? hints?

um cant think of anyone right now but im pretty sure i dislike certain people. Only cause theyre either rude or have no respect for other people

YadanaAye replied 4107 days ago

*****, she's mine.

you wish

YadanaAye replied 4120 days ago

Who do you think would be the cutest couple?

Anna and Kevin! so cute how they're always hugging and stuff :)

YadanaAye replied 4120 days ago

Thoughts on person A and person S?

took me a while to figure who they were but now i get it :D Well heaps of people like S and its sad cause i cant choose who i want S to be with :( Well netherless i believe A and S have chemistry, no joke like they're always staring at each other when they think people dont notice. Would be a cute couple but S will always be mine so no one can have S (Y)

YadanaAye replied 4120 days ago

thought on ME :) helenlam

funny how we both were scared to make qooh me cause we didnt want hate HAHA well my dolphin, pink rose lover bestfriend, you are the most cutest and funniest 'little' girl ever! You're always so happy and I like how we're so comfortable with each other! You always make me smile and you're so damn smart. I love those days when we both went boy hunting HAHA those were the days :') anyways love you! and stay fabulous

YadanaAye replied 4120 days ago

Logan or Huy?

OMG THATS SO HARD, sorry i cant answer that D: and if you see this huy, love you xo HAHA

YadanaAye replied 4120 days ago

best singer in the world?

Me duh, jokes i sound like a dying donkey. hmm idk

YadanaAye replied 4121 days ago

): Guess whoooo.


YadanaAye replied 4121 days ago