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No lol
Life ;)
Ooooooooooo hard one:p
1. Mel 2. Isla 3. Courtney 4. Jess N 5. Maddy
Your pretty, nice, kind and you don't reply to my inboxes :((
She's really nice, pretty, caring and always there for people (:
You seem nice, haven't really talked but should talk more
No , I didn't make her cry. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, so just stay out of it. Gosh!
She's just perfect, my life would basically e incomplete without her. I'm actually so happy she came into my life. I really really like her and she's absolutely gorgeous <3 just love her
Stay out of it.
She's really nice, pretty, always there for me and I'm always there for her, we've been best friends for about a year and a half. And she's one of the greatest friend I've ever had (: x
My basketball skills (':
She's nice, pretty, kind and should talk more (: x
I sleep at different times
That one girl that I really like.
We haven't even talked
Seem like a nice girl, we haven't talked and should talk more (:
No! Haha no way, don't think she ever will
Well I dont
With who?
I like her as a friend, but don't says **** like that about her. She isn't a *****, she's a nice girl
Yes, I do :(
if their up themselves
what do you mean 'like'?
Mel -..-
Yeah (:
Tara and Valerio/chandler
Boy or girl?
1 sis and 1 bro
I like Melanie.
She's a great friend, always there for me, really nice and caring, funny and pretty
Why not?
A great friend, nice, funny, pretty, and caring (: x
Nice, funny, pretty and should talk more (:
No one
Tbh: we have talked like once haha but that was a while ago. Your nice, pretty funny and should talk more :)
Yes :) <3
My hand.
Hehe ;)
Ily chandler (; come to kambrya
Boys: Chandler Alex Michael & jai Girls: Tara Courtney In need of another one
Boy or girl?
He's a mad kent, always here for him . One of my best friends