Would you date meeeee
Dm me
What's the worst present you've ever received?
I haven't recieved bad resents?
Make a confession
I don't have anything to confess
What is something very few people know about you?
That I used to play the guitar
What is the most embarrassing thing you had to tell your parents ?
What have you noticed about yourself recently?
Eish haven't i noticed anything different
Which school do you go to and If you had kiss anyone from your school who would it be?
Thomas more college
You have a cousin named Libo ?
Yah she's my cousin
What is your favourite slang word ?
Eish I don't know
Which trend are you not into ?
Socks and sandals?
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?
Long A$$ story?
Who do u like???
This one girl
Do u like anybody?
Of course
Yanga don't lie ! You just got your first phone a few weeks ago ?
My first phone erin?
Change your qooh me profile picture to a picture of you!! ?
Who is this??
Insta name ?
Yanga mavume
What is your purpose in life?
To Serve god
What Sports Do You Like?
What was your first cellphone ?
Yoh I can't remeber
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Quite a bit
A musician you hate ?