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Yazzmyn Riley


Idc what ya ask or say, Just ask or say anything X3

68 Replies

What would you do if you had no fear ?

I dunno, do more things that involve heights?

Yazzy_Rils replied 2640 days ago

Why are you single?

I'm weird and its gonna stay that way

Yazzy_Rils replied 2647 days ago

What are you bad at ?


Yazzy_Rils replied 2648 days ago

What do you want the most right now?

Coke and Skittles

Yazzy_Rils replied 2652 days ago

What could you talk endlessly about?

Anime, The games I play, my friends, all the fun times I've had

Yazzy_Rils replied 2662 days ago

When do you know you're in love?

When your giving someone countless chances and you'd literally do anything for them.........

Yazzy_Rils replied 2675 days ago

Here's a scenario. You and a rapist are on a tall platform over a deep pit. You knock them off but they grab the edge and hold on. You stand above them, looking down at them hanging off the edge for dear life.

In detail, what do you do to them? No weapons

I'd save him, knock him out then take him home and torture him to death ^-^

Yazzy_Rils replied 2675 days ago

Who are you currently ignoring and why?

Ayden cuz he's ew :3

Yazzy_Rils replied 2678 days ago

What is something you need to get off your chest?

A lot of things...

Yazzy_Rils replied 2682 days ago

What is on your mind?

Murder, Bad Puns and Inappropriate $exual Humour

Yazzy_Rils replied 2688 days ago

What is a waste of money to you?

Buying gems and coins on games, like bruh, earn them the gems and coins and spend ur money on food and that stuff

Yazzy_Rils replied 2717 days ago

What little thing pisses you off greatly?

Many little things

Yazzy_Rils replied 2726 days ago

Which word have you started using a lot lately ?

Uhhm, Quack

Yazzy_Rils replied 2732 days ago

Whos ur bae

I have no bae, unless a YouTuber counts, then I have a bae

Yazzy_Rils replied 2747 days ago

What is something that actually offends you?

Two-faced people

Yazzy_Rils replied 2750 days ago