Who and when was your first kiss ?
Local pedo get $42 for it
What was the happiest moment in your life?
When I'm drunk
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That I don't need no hoe
How do you think you are most likely to die?
Alcohol ?
What does success mean to you?
Having bulk money
If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?
Absolutely nothing
What do you want most out of life?
Sleep and lots of alcohol
What is your current state of mind?
What is your idea of perfect happiness ?
When it's a Sunday so I don't have to work
Last great thing you did ?
Getting home at 2am and having work at 6am the same day #Stupid
Who do you look up to and why ?
Hitler, good leader
Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?
That part when they shut up and don't speak
What cheers you up ?
When people i don't like cut them selves
Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?
I'm already hot and living forever
What is your current mood and why ?
Hungry, and because I'm hungry #derp
Describe your life in 3 words
Centrelink Pingaz sleep
Why should people love you ?
Because I'm not a Centrelink rat :)
What is the greatest thing about being single ?
That I have $$
What's missing in your life ?
Winning tatslotto ticket ?
How do you want people to treat you ?
Like a black slave
Rate yourself out of 10
What annoys you the most ?
Them jobless blacks that get a free house and car off the government while there is struggling Australian family's who get no help
What type of people bore you ?
Most people :,)
What do you hate about yourself ?
That I live in a crap country
What do you want right now ?
A day off, or a big Mac would be nice
How do you deal with a break up ?
Taking a good poo
Are you a selfish person ?
Of course
Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?
Aids mixed with Ebola
How do you deal with someone with bad breath?
Casually murder them
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Seen to many to remember
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
Few years, I'm to tall for my bath
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
Don't ask me personal stuff or I'll commit
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
Mila kunis
Who was your first crush ?
Dunno, she was most likely a babe tho
What profession would you not like to do?
Being on the dole
Something you regret buying and why ?
Nothing everything I buy is perfect
What was your first cellphone ?
Nokia brick phone! Mum didn't buy me and iPhone so I cut my wrist in shame for sympathy
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
Take a s.h.i.t on the dead people I dislike
What could you talk about forever?
How I didlike jobless bums
B like Bieber or B like Beethoven?
B like, Be over there and cut yourself
If you could add a feature to qooh.me what would that be?
To tell ceno rats to get a job and it would actually happen
What was your dream yesterday?
The one where I had a day off work then my alarm woke me up :(
What would make you happy?
If I didn't lose a days work every week to paying tax
A super power you wished you had and why ?
The power to make sure Ceno rats don't get paid :)
Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?
Certain people ayy
A friend you once had a crush on ?
What's friends
Money or Loyalty ?
Why not both
A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?
Being mean to people
Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?
What's an ex
iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?
Plz don't ask me personal stuff I don't need to answer you blackie
Last person you argued with and why ?
Most likely with a Ceno rat because I said "get a job pig"
Best compliment you have ever received ?
Good job not being a centrelink rat
What gives you peace?
When non workers get their centrelink payment cut
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
Running out of drugs because centrelink cut my pay the dogs
How do you deal with failure?
I think of people who are to lazy to work and are on centrelink, because they are the failure
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
5, didn't have to work so my money could go to free loaders
Who told you they loved you last
No one :o
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
What is your nickname ?
Dream holiday destination ?
Sweden, no feral Ceno pigs there
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
How to spit on junkies
What does your perfect day look like?
Spitting on junkies #KyleCurtis
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
Nothing as of yet
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
Name anyone you dated in the past ?
I don't recall
What is your biggest success up until now?
Having pretty much a full Time job
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Nothing as everything cost $$
How much do you weigh?
21 tones
What was your last dream about ?
I don't sleep so I don't dream
Plans for the new year ?
To continue being me
What are you doing New Years ?
Working so I can lose all my cash in tax so the blacks can continue to move here illegally and have a free home :-)
The best song in 2014 for you ?
The part when Ceno dole C unts died
What did you get for christmas ?
My 2 front teeth
Who would you take a bullet for?
Depends on the mood I'm in! But only a few people
What is attractive about you?
Your biggest wish ?
Station rats would kill them self ? Or centrelink rats to die so they don't have my tax :)
What do you miss about your childhood?
Wearing a nappy, didn't have to go toilet
How do you want to end 2014 ?
What is your biggest fear?
Good looking girls going for Collingwood, it's scary
What does your perfect day look like?
Fu cking her right in the pu ssy #EjectoSeatoCuz
What are you addicted to?
Ice for daiz
What's your favorite fashion item ?
What turns you off ?
S*** rats
What is your bank balance ?
Fair bit for once
How long do you want to live?
Long enough to see all centrelinks get knocked down so lazy flogs can earn their $$$
Your dream Job?
To be a mad kunt but I'm already doing that
Why don't you like people on centrelink ?
Question is why do they deserve money from people who work stupid hours all week while they stay home and do nothing and refuse to work. ?
Your Dream Job?
To be a useless centrelink rat :) just to fit in with everyone
At what age do you want to get married ?
What do you love the most?
Where do you want to live when you older?
Out side centrelink
Somewhere where there isn't any Allah bomb freaks
Best song you've heard this week ?
Don't ask me personal stuff I don't have to answer to you k
What would you suggest everyone try ?
Flogs on centrelink to get a job :)
Craziest thing you ever did for money ?
Worked 3pm till 1am hungover and chucking my guts up #cashdorra
Place you want to travel to ?
Sweden for sure!
Just the usual being bored at home wishing I didn't have the day off work
What is your ringtone?
Some stupid iPhone one
The most unreliable person you know ?
All them whipped fgts that love their girl after being together for 25min
Got your eye on anyone ?
Not really ? Ahah
Do you see many people from school ?
I'd rather poo in my hands and clap than see half the people I went with. But yeah still see a few :)