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Mary got the juice

2k Replies

What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?

I've spent money on a lot of dumb sht tbh

YinYang_ replied 3319 days ago

Apparently you're a hoe

But how can someone who doesn't get dck/go out be a hoe??? ????

YinYang_ replied 3325 days ago

Which talent you wish you had ?

I'm good with what I got

YinYang_ replied 3325 days ago

Thoughts on xnd

A funny guy, freshest accent haha good body, always in your feelings but you're a cute keint lmao short as FK too

YinYang_ replied 3326 days ago

Do you listen to drake when you drake?

Nah I listen to nicki Minaj, she gets me

YinYang_ replied 3326 days ago

Why's your Instagram full of $exual stuff?

Why not? Is $ex bad?

YinYang_ replied 3327 days ago

How does dck feel?

I don't know ?

YinYang_ replied 3327 days ago

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

You don't wanna know haha ??

YinYang_ replied 3328 days ago

Where are you from? Where do you live?

The slums of Shaolin

YinYang_ replied 3330 days ago

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

Probably more food tbh

YinYang_ replied 3330 days ago

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Everything bruv

YinYang_ replied 3333 days ago

"You can't be a virgin, your bodies too good" So because your body is good you can't be a virgin? Hahaha

I was so confused.. Was I supposed to be offended or?? Hahaha

YinYang_ replied 3333 days ago

Try out as a model

There's levels bruv

YinYang_ replied 3335 days ago

You look so evil sometimes, it's so intimidating and it's even scarier when you're around a group of people with nothing but earphones in like.. Socialise hoe

Haha I observe people's weaknesses and if I know they ain't snakes I'll vibe with them, so if I'm quiet around you but continuesly stare I probably don't like you. I don't like humans in general tho so don't be offended.

YinYang_ replied 3335 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

I thought I was a fire bender lol

YinYang_ replied 3336 days ago