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Yohannah R


Go on, captain Nosey

148 Replies

What's the weirdest dream you can remember having?

Honestly I have so so many, I remember a lot of my dreams. The one I probably remember the most vividly was I was in a hospital room and it was really dimly lit and there were nurses and doctors everywhere and a lady laying on the table, there was a sheet across her waist up so you could only see that she was heavily pregnant and her legs. There was a doctor standing at the bottom of the bed and as she had this baby he grabbed it and whatever, and handed it to the nurse so they can do whatever they do with babies. But the thing was the baby wasn't moving or crying, it was all blue and curled up in a feral position and I was screaming at them to help this baby, that it wasn't breathing, yelling at them they weren't paying attention, why couldn't they see that it wasn't breathing??? And it was like no one could see me, and I couldn't reach out and help it. Was so bizarre

Yohannah.bruh replied 2542 days ago

Do you find Clément Obin $exy?

Who is that?

Yohannah.bruh replied 2546 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?

Honestly a lot of things

Yohannah.bruh replied 2628 days ago



Yohannah.bruh replied 2628 days ago

What do you want the most right now?


Yohannah.bruh replied 2653 days ago

When do you know you're in love?


Yohannah.bruh replied 2676 days ago

Got feelings for anyone?

Whys it matter to you?

Yohannah.bruh replied 2679 days ago

Favourite food?

Don't have one

Yohannah.bruh replied 2679 days ago

Would you be interested in dating?

I mean all I care about RN is my year 12 and having a good time w my lil group of friends, but I wouldn't turn down the right person if the opportunity came along

Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago

Do you miss any of your ex's?

Nah, I have a one time rule. Date them once, if it doesn't work out just wasn't meant to be

Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago

Are you a virgin?


Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation where someone bought you a drink/dared you to chug a drink, when really they were trying to trick you into needing to pee?

I mean maybe, but it never worked!

Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation on a bus/school trip where some people were allowed to go pee but others were not?

Nah, got a bladder of steel, only need to be when I gotta go and I don't really take note of other people bowel movements

Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago

Are you talking one anytoo?


Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago

No I mean like talking talking, tuning or whatever

Maybe. If it matters that much too you message me about it

Yohannah.bruh replied 2680 days ago