Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Shot caela??
we are not together wtf?
Please vy way before I make a dent in your face and you won't be able to do lives again?
I didn't delete anything?
Who even are you??
I actually have multiple best friends ❤️ and clearly you ain't one of them to be asking me that question ?shame for you?
Try a dm?
If I reply x
But who's your best friend?
If i don't talk, you'll probably die (yes i said the d word)
Thank you❤️
That's your choice,I don't really reply to dm's much tho??
Idk i don't always reply??
Ok I'm pretty sure its spelt pagla but thanks??
Why you wanna know tho?
I'm just gonna say Discovery and laugh at my lame joke???
Thank you❤️?
if you want but I'm not one to reply?
I am not gonna answer this question bc I value my life?
No but this question is so annoying and asked so often?
Me i own that road boii?
Jk my campus is on Florida road??
Everything?but mostly the amazing places to eat at near by
Food is life???
Crab curry is life?
Honestly thank you❤
but no thank you?
Dm me, I'll tell you?
Hey anon?
I'm doing well thanks?
I'm studying Digital communication design at Keyline digital design college?
Finally started taking my parents advice??
Idk who you are but No???
I answered it now.
No, I have nothing to hide but Idk who died and made you God that I have to explain myself to you over something as petty as this.
But honestly whoever you are, you really make me feel special that you care so much about what's happening in my dull life?
You're a doll?
I answer when I feel like?
It's not a big deal, it's just a Qooh.
What's it to you??
Also you clearly have alot of time on your hands to notice that I don't always answer Ma??
Aww thanks??
Idk just did
I deleted quiet a few posts from my feed x
Okay what even?
Kyle deutsch and J'Something??
Maybe white idk?
You gonna die bc "king" is gonna see this and kill you?❤?
He stalks everything.
Omg go die?Leave my walk alone? Idk if i miss you?I like the peace????
I cannot even express how much i hate you rn for doing this???
But Thnkz ❤️and Nah i dnt smaaaark itz 4 da frenshp??
Thanks pretty girl???
I got too many?But my most recent blonde moment,I thought Bin Ladens name is Bin?and not Osama??
Fake people??
Not saying your name?❤️
Let the stalkers wonder??
Thank you??
I'm going now Hoebro??
Goodnight for like the 3rd time???
Being with the people that I love most❤
Namaste Bhaiyaji
She is one of my Bests??
So much love for her??
A special someone?
Errmm?For me to know and you to find out.?
JK lol??? idk tbh.
That's up to you.??No promises tho?
Boyfriend, no.
Potential ones, idk that's takes too much of effort to think about and I'm lazy.??
Erhh idk many Arena Park Secondary girls to answer that?but Hey that's your own thing??I'm not one to judge??
Somewhere in Pinetown?❤️Dm me?
No, I don't have a boyfriend?
Yes,I know what friend?but I'm not gonna say it?
I have more than one.?
Hey Beautiful one??
Yes?? ❤
Toto is my darling?❤.
Gucci is my bae too??.
Yolabird Pathersamy. ?❤?
But you my best friend?? Forever if I remember correctly??
Panda's can't tell people to shut up Nitai Kay!?
No?? Did we drink too much water, anonymous???I'm sorry.I forgot?
Nope?I'm quiet a boring person??
No I don't have a boyfriend. It depends?Not so much into the whole dm thing but you can try if you want to?
2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS
Be the best version of myself.?
Thank you beautiful stranger.?❤?
Thank you Beautiful???
How are you so sweet???