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Xoli Mkhize


Ask me anything you like anonymously

31 Replies

Why is ur foto on my galfrends fone

Ndoda hw am I suppoce to knw

Young_Pro replied 4831 days ago

Y ungashelani , I've bn trying to make you notice me .bt still awungsheli,mara y uso ,mxm

Hawu lmao ,I dnt knw hw to ansa that

Young_Pro replied 4831 days ago

are u gay?

Yeah I'm happy ,bt if u tawkin bwt homo , then nah

Young_Pro replied 4845 days ago

As a youth leader, how do you think your personal life impacts on your role and the expectation that comes with the title

"A leader driven by emotions is a leader who carries nt the steering wheel of his leadership" #Xoli Mkhize , bt wen working with people acknowledging our diversity is the best thing u can do

Young_Pro replied 4845 days ago

so wat du yu luk for in a grl? #nt dat ur luking, bt just.

#gud u mansiond I'm taken #bt waht I do luk 4 , is a strong religious backround , an average cultural backround , nd if we share common intrests nd goals ,that's all

Young_Pro replied 4845 days ago 1

Do u think u shud be dating and leading th youth, what picture u think u r sending about church, we'll deal with christianity later.

Pause ,,,, hw did ur mother meet ur father ?Leading the youth doesn't mean that you have to become a saint , bt what you should do is to try and be an example to the youth which you are leading in Praising and Worshiping the Almighty,#1 Peter 4:18 It is difficult for good people to be saved;what ,then will become of godless sinners ?

Young_Pro replied 4845 days ago 1

You luk cute with Sno ,hw did url strt dating ?

Thanx *smiles* , I dnt knw wat u mean by ur question

Young_Pro replied 4902 days ago

Why are u so energetic all the time ?

I eat breakfast in the morning lolol , I try to remove all negetive enrgy around me ,nd the type of enrgy that's left ,I work with that energy

Young_Pro replied 4902 days ago

Why are you so nyc to everybody , what are you hoping to gain from that ?

Its js who I am , thers nuthing to gain .

Young_Pro replied 4902 days ago

Would you have *ex with an older person

Lol ,you probly have a ansa u expecting to hear ,n ya its that ansa

Young_Pro replied 4953 days ago

What deodarant do you use ?

English Blazer Platinum or Your the fire ,depending on my mood.

Young_Pro replied 4958 days ago 1

Why are you always happy ?

I'm not always happy , I js gt less things to b sad bwt than happy,period.Once you except urcelf 4 who you are then a guarentee you ,that ull be happy

Young_Pro replied 4959 days ago 1

Haha I think u don't!

Nah I do

Young_Pro replied 4959 days ago

What happend between you and mbali in grade11 ?

I'd rather not

Young_Pro replied 4959 days ago

Haha I was only kidding

I think I knw who u are

Young_Pro replied 4959 days ago