Yousha Adams
Hello :) how you ?? Who do u like ? ;p and name plz
I'm fine
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
My best friend duh!
How many kids do you want to have?
2. Would have to be enough!
Name a person you lied to today
My bro..........
Have you ever farted in public?
Yes! :|
Lmk. But it was silent! rotfl
Ur diet is gna dirt nd sand wen I'm finished with u yoh naier! U gna b in ur moer!:D
Who ever the hell you are I'm going to rip you **** off and shove it up your as* if you continue to act like a ****
favorite song of all time?
Nickelback-You remind me
The One Who's Gonna Moer You!! Nd let u Fly Away with Ur Ears. But then u Gna Fall Down Head 1st!! Hahahahah LMIMP!! :D
Who ever the hell you are your not going to moer me!
I will find you and you will hurt............
BTW It Wasn't Abdul-Aleem,It Was Me!!:D:D:D
Who the HELL are you then?
Lmk y don't u just sit on my middlefinger nd lean sideways coz u top heavy then fly away with ur DUMBO ears hahahahaha:D!! Hint: I'm at ur skwl
Is this Abdul-Alim?
If it his go roll away fatty.
Dumbest thing you've ever heard?
My brothers jokes:|
Here's a fun fact : "stop ****ing staring at me in class,Yousha "
Who are you?
Ping me
Some one!
Maybe its you maybe its not!
What are you really good at?
I'm awesome at games!
Why are you so damn naturally awesome?
Not to sound concieted but I was born this way!
What's 1+1=
Imraan if its you its 11!
If its any1 else its 2b
Which product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?
Nickleback's Alb*m. Rotfl =D
How do you feel about dating exes?
No because I don't have a ex. ;p
Your brother from another mother...
Who is this?
No! Who's Ethan???? I know you have a brother by the name of Numaan.
Who is this?
And I know you going to Windsor High! I'll get you tomorrow at school so watch out!!!! Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahaahhaahahahahahahhaahha!!!!
You will have to find me first. =p
Is this Ethan?
I know where you live!
And I know you live in a shack =P
Its a question question!! Don't play with me!
Who are you? ping me and I won't. =P
Do you have a stalker?
No I don't what type of question is that?