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until I've done something great in my life. or until my purpose in this world has been served.
It doesn't hurt to be nice, I suppose :D x
OMG OMG *hyperventilates* ARE YOU SERIOUS? Oh, and obviously, its YOU Sabeehah :D x
It wouldn't be called a secret anymore if I told you ;)
Haha urm... Thanks? Oh and hey :)
Weird question. The answer is, no one I guess.
Ohhh you bet he is ;) Shakeelah :) ! Love you too hey, thank you and you stay amazin' too :') x
'D'? I don't and can't think of anyone with a D...No! I don't have crushes. I don't do crushes. :)
No one :)
More lekker than being the dumbass kid ;)
Haha. Not buying that. Do me a favour, become gay and stay away from me. Lol.
Gross no :/ get a life?
Nope. I know that you're obviously a contact from my bbm :| , but I don't know what's your name LOL.
Oh.. Captain Obvious. Like I didn't know that :/
OMG hahaha LOL who is this? :)
A r e y o u e v e n s e r i o u s? -.-
Just knew this question would come. Hahaha, boys? Pathetic little things. I have no time for :) but since you're asking.. My boyfriend's fictional ;)
I wouldn't bother about them. They're just jealous! :) and if you know you're not stupid and ugly, than it won't affect you :) Self-confidence x
Love you too pretty girl :) stay as great as you are x