What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Have you ever dated anyone
What do u think ?
Any1 special?
Let me think ?
Love you babe
Who are you ?
You are so f handsome
Thank u ?
I'm in love with you
Who are you ?
One of my close friends
Initials of the person you like
Let me think ?
I really really love you ❤
I don't even know u ??
I really really love you❤ Yaseerah_a
U don't even know me ??
Are you single ?
What do u think ??
Kind of have feelings for you? care if I dm you??❤
Let me know who u are
What do u think ??
Your shadow...I aspire to be like you ??
Care to inform who your are ?
The handsome guy with the voice of an angel ?❤️???
??...who's this?
Hey handsome
Hi...and who might u be ??
Favourite colour?
Sky blue
Favourite series?
Prison break
Tea or coffee?
I like my tea
What makes you genuinely happy?
My family
Dream Job ?
Successful businessesman
Who was your first crush ?
No crush
What Mood Are You in Right Now?