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ask already :)))

1.8k Replies

How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?


ZAALIII replied 2947 days ago

What are you tired of?


ZAALIII replied 2968 days ago 1

How do you think the world will end?

I dont know but i hope its soon

ZAALIII replied 3009 days ago

What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?

Stay home and watch movies in bed

ZAALIII replied 3020 days ago

How old are u Brandan460


ZAALIII replied 3023 days ago

What were you not prepared for?


ZAALIII replied 3023 days ago 1

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?


ZAALIII replied 3041 days ago

U look hot as Brandan460

Haha thanks

ZAALIII replied 3052 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

Have no idea

ZAALIII replied 3052 days ago

Do you think your perfect or something?
Does it make you feel better when you pick on people?
Next time you go to pick on someone maybe have a look in the mirror?
Seriously have a look at yourself!

Who the fck do i pick on mate? I have looked at myself fckwit

ZAALIII replied 3052 days ago 2

What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?


ZAALIII replied 3075 days ago

Tbh? jessetweston2000

Tbh we used to be really close, like talked everyday and that, i sorta miss it actually haha. You are such a nice person and so good to talk too, always knew how to cheer me up, and yeah should talk x

ZAALIII replied 3076 days ago

What are you currently worried about ?


ZAALIII replied 3141 days ago 1

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Honestly, i dont know, now that i think about it and everything i would never had said this, but it would honestly be on christmas day a few years back, my whole family were together. Pop was alive. And my family wasnt as fcked up

ZAALIII replied 3150 days ago

What are you passionate about?


ZAALIII replied 3155 days ago