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Zané :D


You know what to do ;)

443 Replies

zuma ?

Malema friend❤, ek mis jou?

Zaaaaane replied 2581 days ago

Jys fcked up en gee ni om oor enige iemand nie het jou probeer happy maak maar fok dit gednk jys cool ma neva mind

Sorry neh.

Zaaaaane replied 2734 days ago

Send nudes.

Send pizza.

Zaaaaane replied 2797 days ago

Hey ons was saam in laerskool, Ek het langs you gesit vir n rukkie in graad 7. Ek will net se Ek miss you

Haioo ? as ek geweet et wie jy is kon ek se ek mis ju ook ?

Zaaaaane replied 2798 days ago

Why were you such a btch in Primary School ?

What do you mean in primary school ?? I still am. I'm just fcked up it's who I am sweety ☺☺

Zaaaaane replied 2830 days ago

Remember enjoy life you still young don't let anyone chance how you think about life!!!?
From R3S

Thanks ???

Zaaaaane replied 2837 days ago

Jesus but you fcked me up so badly....

:( fck ... I'm sorry. I have the tendency to do that to people. Probably cause I'm so fcked up myself. Wish I could fix it or never did it. :(

Zaaaaane replied 2839 days ago

Kinda mis jou although ons nie meer praat nie.

As ek weet wie dt is kan ek dit regmaak x

Zaaaaane replied 2854 days ago

HEyy jY :p kAn ek vRa haha

Hou jy nog van miLo
OF mEEr vaN DiVan :p

Hahaha weird vrAAg maAr Ek wil manT wEEt :O (Ek het die laaste keer wat ek jou by recess gesien het. TOe jy ve Divan ontMoEt het geh0Or dat jy vaN hom hoU) :D

Hahah wag wie is jy? =D

Zaaaaane replied 3570 days ago

Hey maaiQii :D dis divan... hehe miss jw noggals... hoop ons keier weer saam later ini vacay ;-)

Ah Divan :D dankie vemy thingy hieso :P ons moet kyer ja :D x

Zaaaaane replied 3570 days ago

What do you miss about your childhood?

Having no worries.

Zaaaaane replied 3571 days ago

Het iemand al vir jou gese jy lyk soos Taylor swift ?

Hahah ja actually, my pa het hahaha...

Zaaaaane replied 3581 days ago

Why do u act like you don't care but in reality u actaully do ?

Uhmmm ... because nobody actually gives a **** how I feel. So why would I open up? So they can use that against me and see that I'm vulnerable . Nope I'll just not give a **** :)

Zaaaaane replied 3590 days ago

Nooooooo done trying ;)

Okay suit yourself :D

Zaaaaane replied 3603 days ago

You are a hard girl ro please and its even harder to keep your attention

Mmm ... haha if you do it right it will pay off ;)

Zaaaaane replied 3607 days ago