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Zac van Delft


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645 Replies

I thought you had the iPhone 6?

I've got both, but it's going to get fixed and I need my 5 back, plus she made a deal to give it back after Thailand. ?

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3357 days ago

why do you need your iPhone 5 back

Ugh because it's mine, and I need it

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3357 days ago

What is your idea of living the good life?

Smoke weed Erry day

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3370 days ago 1

Tbh Norto

Absolute flog who can't mind his own business.

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3399 days ago

I thought your motto was- if it smells like trout get the fck out, if it smells like chicken keep on liken!!


Hahahahah :')

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3399 days ago

What is your motto?

'Do what the fück you want. Because in the end people, are aśśholes and will judge you anyway'

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3399 days ago



Zac.vandelft315 replied 3403 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?


Zac.vandelft315 replied 3406 days ago 1

sorry random btchy A$$ anon but I think you're in waaaay over your head deletedd472

Boom snap crackle pop

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3408 days ago

Not jealous just think she deserves me

Sick as :') fäggot

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3408 days ago

fuuck off anon, let the two lovebirds be happy

Cheers boss

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3408 days ago

Heaps till you root her, then you'll just move along to the next one

What are you jealous or something? Hahah fück head

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3408 days ago

What does she even mean to you


Zac.vandelft315 replied 3408 days ago 1

I hope Caitlyn leaves you so I can have her

Yeh sick.

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3408 days ago

Same deletedd472

Yeh same

Zac.vandelft315 replied 3409 days ago