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Alejandro Zaaza


Ask me whatever you like... anonymously

169 Replies

in life we have choices..

what do you mean?

Zaraki replied 4855 days ago

i told you i will never forget you..:-)

thank you, that means alot. Means you care. I appreciate that, and i wont too

Zaraki replied 4855 days ago

let me see..u protective but others mistake it for jealousy!.you have a kind heart but u think ul be taken advantage of!.you love but u feel its not enough!.when you are loved u afraid its too good to be i right o wrong?

But who are you?? I need to know who you are? Ohhk.. So i see youre a twilight fan, and most of all you fancy Edward, he a cool dude no doubt, but the only difference is... He vampire, am not lol

Zaraki replied 4855 days ago

You remind me of Edward in Twilight..;-)

:) really? Mhmm.. How?

Zaraki replied 4857 days ago

Have you ever missed someone so much u cant stop thinking about them but not supposed to??..

Yes i have, sometimes i get lonely & my mind wonders whether the person misses me too, if its u... dont forget me. Its life.

Zaraki replied 4857 days ago

Devil and his lunatics?heathen??...this is what its come to??..anyway thank you.. Babylove..

I am glad you feel how it to be called names and have stupid stuff said to you, bet youre too ignorant to even notice you just received a taste of your own medicine!!! hope you taste how bitter it is to run your mouth aimless like a gun with a loose vengeful trigger!

Zaraki replied 4871 days ago

eish andrew i hear you ayt..*sigh* i was wrong i shouted at you without asking first iv heard now let me get dont want to be my frnd by my guest i dont force frndship.laters!. Babylove..

Good you hear me!!! keep the sound in your ears for a long time!
I tried to be friendly but what the hell, why bother!

Zaraki replied 4871 days ago

lmao...u make me laugh anyhu thanks.. Babylove..

get lost, thats just starting to irritate me! All this was just to make u laugh!!! Ur not alright!! Forget this friendship thing, am not your friend! Friends dont think so low of each other! Friends dont accuse each other and friends dont do such to one another! I didnt send u those messages cause i dont have the time and cause i considered u as a friend! How wrong i was!

Zaraki replied 4871 days ago

lol calm down dude be the mature one in all dis madness

Guess ur right! What the heck am i doing wasting my time on the heathen anyway? The devil and his lunatics tryna frustrate me when school is already hard.. Ta ta mwaka gee thanx for the word up

Zaraki replied 4871 days ago

Whats wif yhu annnd babylove mate? hehe

babylove is Samantha, Ahh ine i got no idea, im busy living my life and minding my own business, then suddenly i recieve insults and claims that im the one asking her offensive questions, i hate people that talk to me like that why not just ask? why not just be clam and say look at whats happening is this you doing this? if am guilty il say yes and if am not il simply say no, not insult me and expect me to get over it without even offering a valid apology! so what if she was asked such questions? what do i have to do with it even? iv always been able to argue with her openly as myself face to face why start hiding behind some anonymous app to do so? am i retard or what?!!1 ahh!
who are you even?

Zaraki replied 4872 days ago

What is your problem andrew?.no seriously wt?.iv taken so much from u so lightly its starting to get heavy!.do u have issues with me o sumting?wt makes u think am asking myself questions nd if i am hw das it concern u??..u knw wat stop it an yo own just stop!. Babylove..

This was 8 days ago i believe... so no need to respond to it

Zaraki replied 4872 days ago

HIM??..His Inferior Majesty??..*i think*..if thats who u talking about his job never started n never will!!..peace out Andrew Babylove..

LOL i mean HIM (His Imperial Majesty) Emperor Haile Selassie I, ruler of Ethiopia and divine elect of God, Rastafari I set my faith in!!! if you own a phone that has internet, google that. LOL funny how you know the devils name but yet dont know Gods name... google the name Jehova as well and take a knee and ask him to be a part of your life, you need him! and besides if you meant the devil, its inferno majesty, not inferior majesty!
Now leave me the HELL alone iv taken enough insults from you! dont you dare talk to me. Ive been nice to you but seems you took me for granted and for a fool! what the hell was i thinking???
P:S Dont talk to me! keep your insults to yourself! i hate dutty mouths and people that insult cause i dont do that my self!
God bless you, HIM grant you what you deserve.

Zaraki replied 4872 days ago

i did not think low of you never have u ever used the F word at me nd wat i was receiving looked lyk u said it and meant it dts what blew my fuse..u even know that i would tell u that i will delete u..if u dt pist with me dt u dnt want to be my frnd anymo kul. Babylove..

I hold no grudges against no one. Even if you pissed me off or upset me deep, never forget that God HIM isnt finished with you yet. Peace out Samantha.

Zaraki replied 4872 days ago

Cømé øn!!!dønt bé shý.gø áhéád nð ásk mé øut.

Ask you out??? Ok then get out! Is that asking enough?

Zaraki replied 4873 days ago

I inbox u what i think is goin on and i apologise and u go ahead and delete me without evn a word o yo side of the story u know wat fine be that way!!.. Babylove..

ur the one that deleted me. Thank u for the insults anyway, and thank u for thinking so low of me.

Zaraki replied 4875 days ago