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Zephnie de Beer


Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

Is he Worth it??

Zeffer replied 4090 days ago

nice cleavage.. :*

Thanx...I think?

Zeffer replied 4090 days ago

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”


Zeffer replied 4098 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

Tell my "stukkie" that i'm inlove with him

Zeffer replied 4098 days ago

Awww shame nie eers een vraag nie. Haha raai wat jys 'n freak!

Haha wel ek kan some manet raai wie jy is.....

Zeffer replied 4100 days ago

Hey hey hey. Wag net gou wil net my asem trug kry. Joh. Haha muni stress nie ek heti gehardloop nie haha. Jyt my asem weg geslaan en jys die mees amazingste persoon op aarde bly awesome en super mooi. :p. (Hugs)

Haha awwww* Danq wie okal jy is hehe ;)

Zeffer replied 4100 days ago