Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I honestly dont know oof.
How what am i? Lmao
Im doing great lol
Nope not ever.
Lmao, I come back after how ever long its been since I checked Qoohme and this is what I get ? these questions always amuse mee
Revo if this is you, stop bein such a creepo ?? but true lol
Lol a better what then me?
Thankyou famm. :) and No I do not my dude.
All of them
That was weeks ago haha I don't really care fam but thankyou! I will more than likely be there! :)
It would require me to actually find someone attractive in the first place lol. whoops.
Hahahah this guy is hilarious like I was sitting there laughing because of how entertained I was lol.
Aww thankss haha
Hahahah probs
Like I don't even understand what you're trying to accomplish though? IM SO CONFUSED ??
Apparently. I'm honestly responding because I'm so bored and its entertaining ??
Lmfao ya nasty
Too bad I like to post my ugly face wOT YOU GONNAA DO ABOUT IT BOI HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
That would require you to actually have a p**** sooo you're outta luck there kid ?
Cause insulting and harrasing people make you better? Lmfao atleast watching Anime is better than being a fcking twat hahah ??
"Yes I'm a weaboo, got a problem with that?" ??
Well that explains why you're so dumb ? lmfao
Look up this username on social media ya twat
He's not even upsetting me But I also dont even know where this swine came from ? pretty sure he's some rando who finds chicks profiles and says sht. fckin twelvie ??
Ew not even boii hahahah
I wish I could use pictures as a response like AskFM hahahaha fcking hell what are you Twelve? ?? this is so enertaining.
I have this thing called social media lmfao
Im laughing so hard rn because I am actually a girl. Like what even goes through your peanut brain of yours when saying this ? lmao
Sah my dudee
You're a troll.
No one is going anywhere near me let alone "between my legs". fck outta here with ya naaastiness ?
No? That's actually the dumbest thing Ive ever heard ? wot even went through your pea brain to ask that hahaha.
I know I've put it of abit but atm its still on hold. Trying to figure all that out. Everything will be announced when it happens. Promise. Just have to be in the right head space before I start.
Ehh going to look into one laater down the track and use my Mic for now I think.
Wait wot hahahaha
I was very little, and I remember watching a few horses run free in their paddock and it was just so freeing, it felt like nothing mattered. I watched tv shows and movies about themtoo and it just went on from there. They're beautiful creatures that heal my soul.
Aww not even! Honestly, you'll be gorgeous in your own way, remember that.
Yes, Ofcourse. I'd still do the same thing. Even if it was a few meters you mever know how someones going to fall, or how they land. Either way the cops get called regardless but I'm not going to let someone get hurt.
I would immediately ask one of my friends to call the police and I would get the rest to help me, to help him up from the balcony then hold him against his will because he shouldn't be trying to rob people.
Someone special.
Probably how shtty I was at someone a really long time ago
Thankyou, I appreciate it.
I'm alive, so thats a plus haha.
Thankyou :3
I couldn't agree more with you.
I would have so much more respect for someone if they were honest straight up to me personally or to my face. I'm aware of the mistakes I have made in the past, But I'm not a liar, and I don't manipulate people and I certainly don't 'use' anyone. I appreciate absolutely everything people do for me, and Sometimes I don't know how to express it enough but people who are extremely close to me will know that. Why would I lie? Lying gets you nowhere because at the endnof the day, the truth always comes out. You can't hide from that. It just intrigues me about what they are referring too, and what those so called "Nasty/Terrible" things were. I could right down everything bad or shtty thing i've ever done and I would still count them on my one hand I reckon. I honestly feel that person is talking more about themselves or taking their own issues out on someone. With that being me. I more feel sorry for them because I can sense alot of problems inside them. All by that message.
Honestly, I really don't. If I have anything to say, I will either do one of 2 things, talk to someone about it, or openly tell that person straight to their face. Not this Anon bullsht. I know being the young teen I was, I was rather judgy and btchy, but I didn't straight up bully them or go out of my way over anon. Even then, If I had an issue I'd announce it to "said" person while being a btch. Now? I will rarely say a word and if I do, I will say things in the polite, mature and understandable way possible. I don't even like being mean about someone I hate because I always put it back on "what if that was me and they acted that way" and ask myself how would I feel? I APOLOGIZE TO MY STUFFED TOYS WHEN I STEP ON THEM OR THROW THEM TOO HARD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. WOT.
I never play the Victim. When I was in my early pre teens I never understood the mistakes I made and always blamed everyone else but myself, and I am aware of that, and have been for a long time so no, I don't do that anymore and haven't for along time. If there has been a situation thats happened, I will ALWAYS own up to any faults of mine, or ANY wrong doings especially in the last few years of my life more ao NOW then ever. I stray so far from Lying its not even funny. I cannot stand anyone who lies to me so why the hell would I lie or do a wrong doing by someone if I don't want it done to me. So you obviously don't know me well enough. If I've done "lots of Nasty/terrible things" to others then enlighten me. Im extremely intrigued on what you "think" you know about me and my personal life or business?
I think I got it.
Probably instagram because I have the App instead of Facebook (I dot have the fb/messenger app on my phone)
I'm really sorry to hear that you aren't doing great. If you need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to message me, no matter what. You wouldn't be taking advantage, I know what its like. Please feel free if you want too. Im the shttest replier, but you can message me on Facebook, Or Instagram (IG is ZeldaGirl24x7)
I hope you're doing okay today.
Dumb fcking stuff hah
Yeah, I do. My first stream will probably be Ocarina of Time to start off the Zelda theme and since Zelda is in my username. I have a few other games I will be doing that aren't announced yet. Just depends on what people want to see I suppose.
Nope, I haven't. And I don't plan to.
Thankyou for the offer though, I really appreciate it. I will always announce when I'm streaming, there will be times wherr I'll make it easy for people in other time zones if that is an issue also.
Not really. Everything is set up and ready to go, its just the mic now. I could stream eith my headset mic but its just shtter quality
Noo I couldn't let you do that!
I'm hoping so soon! Want to get a good mic first before I start. I'm not sure if you're following my Insta but everything will be announced there first. :3
Only 2 things make my happy.
One of those are horses, horses will always bring me happiness no matter what.
There's kinda a lot. but mainly about how I feel. I'm tired of trying to explain how I feel when all I get is lectures, dumb saying and people telling me crap I already know and then not understanding where I'm coming from.
Ely Cosplay and Lady Beard!!
I mean, thered alot of things.
But people who are dishonest. That theres no loyalty, people just give up when things get tough. Just people not being better people.
Well thats a new insult from "horse teeth". Try again tho lmao. I guess a few people will, sooo Idk what to tell ya. Maybe some people are into rat teeth and sht content? DID YA EVER THINK OF THAT HAHAHA
Thankyou. A person can only take so much..
I'm not sure yet, still editing and setting up the programs and what not.
Oh. I'll just turn off the sad button, I forgot to do that.. Thanks.
The kindest thing anyone's ever said to me. I mean, that has been an option so gEE. THAAAAANNKS FOR THE REMINDER. BRILLIANT. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED. ??
Faaan-flipping-tastic. ?
Its ok. I just have alot going on isnreally the only thing I can say about that? :/
Just alot of things going on in my life and its just hard to cope. Pushing through it is alot harder than people realize.
Unfortunately yes, there is.
I'm hoping so. I'm just extremely anxious about going in all honesty.
Being less Isolated.
I know it sounds silly, but I can barely Leave the house with fear so getting out is a huge step even for 5 minutes.
I'm not going to stop cosplaying entirely. Probably just stop going to Conventions for this year or atleast for a while.. I can't cope and its not fair for anyone to "baby sit" me. I haven't made the decision yet, but it's going to be one of the hardest things I have to decide because I don't want too.
I'm not strong. I'm stubborn. That's the difference. I don't give up when I probably should but I can't help it. My stubbornness wont let me stop, it wont let me let go or give up anything. That's not strong, thats called stupidity..
Because I don't have too? I'm not interested in them. I don't give blokes the time of day because I know their intentions, and I'm not going to be dumb enough to fall for that trap. My heart belongs else where, not with some bloke who wants a one time fling for a fck. No thanks. I'm single because I actually have standards, and because half those blokes if not almost all, don't deserve someone like me. Call me up myself all anyone wants. I know what I'm worth.
Get my P's/License and buy a car!
Build and make more cosplays!
Get my horse broken in and ready to ride!
Become a Twitch Streamer!
And most of all Learn more about myself, after discovering who I am, I wanna be more in tuned with myself. ??
Exist lmao ?
Thankyou famm :)
Well I'll either be spending it alone at home, or I'll get so blind drunk I forget I even exist for a while..
I've been absolute sht.
How about you?
If its going to be anything like 2017, I want to skip to 2019 already.
I do. I'll get my Green P's next year, Get my Horse broken in to ride. Build and create more cosplays for next years cons and hopefully become fitter and healthier.
Honestly no. They don't interest me.
Only table top games I was playing was Magic and that lasted a month.
Well theres a few tbh!
A husky will be my next one :3
Nope. But I want to though!
I wanna cuddle kittens
Probably not doing anything anyways.
It would depend I guess. But if you wanna do a 2b x Rin the go ahead!
Well apparently I am hah.
Forgiving someone I shouldn't have forgiven.
How much someone can emotional destroy you.
Thankyou? Haha :)
Does it count if it comes from me? Because I have said some pretty dumb sht lol.
I guess just whenever Im6in the mood to talk to anyone. Later on at night I tend to not reply to people depending.