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I have got a couple
Blake, Callum, Dylan
Wouldn't say hit :)
I would rather not talk about it, but I think we came even tbh.
I just was? Haha
Inbox me haha
Really nice guy, good to chill with on weekends, Saturday night was funn.
'Blanners cûnt' you are actually so funny, and good to chill with, should get closer though :)
Dylannn, where do I start, you are one of my best friends. You would have to be one of the funniest guys and one of the most caring. One thing I love about you is that what ever you hear something bad about someone that may or may not be true you couldn't give a **** and you don't judge at alllll. Love you nigga.
What do you mean?
The what, sorry?
This question makes no sense considering I actually have never done so (':
Wouldn't know cuzzz