Which girl would you hook up with in your clas*??
Do you love me?? :P hehe
Uhm :/
If you could date any1 right now, who would it be?
Hayley :)
I really like you ♡‎​
Well saying it over an anonymous site doesn't reaLly help anything :)
Don't worry, you'll never stop lovin sum1 ... otherwise you never did ,or always will
You know it
Miss you (n)
And you are ...?
Helooow (^^,) . . . Just thaught I'd say thankx for looking after my earing ;) :P xoxo
Didn't really look after it ;) but its a pleasure (G)
The one that got away is ............?
I like you .... <3 xx
Who are you?
I'm stalking you,,
Do you still love Hayley?
Yes I do ,, always will
Heeeeey Shayney b*ms :p this is ur friendy from VERY far away :D hope u doing gooood [dancing facey] xxxxxxx :D miss ur crazy as* :p
Who's this?:)
Tall guy shouldve said hello too short girl
Short girl should have said hello to tall guy
Answer my question
Which one?
Heyooo Shaynie :) * just thaught I'd say yoo one awesome guy and and must make a plan soon so we can cause sum kaka hehe.. * :)
Hey anonymous :) yes if you let me know and we can hook it ayy*:)
Love you once , love you still <3 always have and always will ♡
Who's this?:)
Do you like b*mping peoples coke off the peer???
I love it ;)
You tall mother f***er hahahahha
See Ash never asked anything ,, psssh Psshh :P this isn't Ash!!
Sure ;) but anyway Ash just go buy my pizza :(
I gots money B) ... BuyiNg Shayne Some Jellllly TOtZz :D & some Sprite , I Don't haVe enOugh mOneY foR piZza :( ... *
Shayne excited :D but shayne want pizza :( get money for pizza :D
Dd u Kiss Donnaa lst nYt??????
Maybe :)
U r amazing n couldn't ask 4 anyone betah n my life..:) Love u shayne..<3 xo
And you're amazing as well :) love you to :)<3x
Eylo shanii :) aii I really thiink less of you now heyy ,you broke my friends harkii =[ y did you do it tho??
Aii I'm sorry* its a long story ayy*
Your girl is so hot bro! Your lucky
Shot :)
Who do you have feelings for at the moment :)
My girl , Donna Lourens :)
U don't knw me I am the tipe of girl who sits in the back off the clas* but I surely knw u wht do u thnk abwt tht
ii Fiink yoo freakyy and ii liike yoo a lot bok drol {Mxiit-Drool-Faceyy} wAhahahaha (G) oohh ii just gotta love ya Shaynii :P <3
Love you to cindy:)
Shayne I love you lotz:) <3
Lief jou ook anonymous;)
Ur maybe nice but a f***ing real Dic* with logan !! U don't know what ur gonna lose !!she's f***ing crazy about u
Yeah I rate you a bit late ayy* we just friends now :)
You so cute, and super se*y! Wish I could cuddle up with u :D
Thank you :) who you? Inbox me or ping me:)
Nom nom nom .. You taste gOood XD
Why thank you ;)
Stop being such a Dic* at skwl jeez , when u b*mp into people dnt swear them !! You must get a life or mayb a church will help
How about you tell me to my face? Stop being so anonymous you should also get a life and maybe some balls would help ;)
I fink I'm weird :P you fink I'm ???? ;)
Cute ;)
If u suspected one person that would be asking you different weird questions over and over ,but you think its diff people .. Who would you think the freak show would be ? :) heehee
I really don't know :P
Hahah I love the way u answer your questions
Oh stoppit you :P
NaAah bJa nUnEt gEchOw (G) :P
Lmp2 u go girl ;)
Your status better not be for me :/
Who u
can I eat u xD
Yes please :D
WHoEz GoT A GoOd SeNse oF hUmour ?
Monique sheralee and logan*
If you could burn anything what would it be ;)
My school :|
EkZ bLy jOw mA gAn viJo n PIE kOop (G) hAhaHa
Haha soek jy n hapi?;)
OhH hOw ii miiS oUr CoUch TimeZz ShaYnii =p
Ohyes ;)
Have you hooked up with any grade 9 girls?
Who did u love more, christin or hayley
and what happened with you and Danellle?(from Pearson
Whos hot in grade 10
What school
ur hooooooot
Your anonymous
If yu score twice,, how much would I score (G) loL
5times ;)
I saw everything haley did for u. She was such a good girlfriend nd I wish I could get 1 lik that. U shud have never let her go.
Yeah I know.. I was dumb .
I just want to know? Ill take that as a no tho. I heard you f***ed hayley.
And did that info benefit you're life ? If so please tell me how cause obviously then there's something wrong with you
Did you have se* with hayley?
Got nothing to do with you :)
Whatz ur opinion on gay people
Well its them that's gay not me so ya iit doesn't really bother me
Are you virgin?
I don't see how the answer to that question is going to benefit you're life?
How does logan jol?
Jol her and find out
Do you date Pearson girls?
I have yes why?
Dolla lahhwffs Shaynnii alhoot!! <3 ThumbsupBum
Shayne loves Dolla even more :)<3
The name of the person
My NS teacher mr van zyl
Who do u lyk on ur BBM??! ;)...
A girl with a name and surname and most importantly a life ;)
What person iratates u the most?
What type of person? Or the name of the person?
Who is the hottest chick in grade 9??
There's not really talent in grade 9 ayy*
See that u r gay now that s*cks man y
You're mom said the complete opposite last night .
Your friend Marce , is he dating someone now?
Ask him.. I don't tell other peoples personal lives out to unknowns;)
Are you happy right now in this time of your life?
Yes I am , are you?
Do you have any regrets??? And if so wat?
Not really :)
U a playa? Because u sure luk like it
Nah actually not .
Do you miss your ex?
Which one?
You like someone on your BBM ;)??
Indeed yes :).
Awe man I'm an old friend but did u get EP yet. So how life. It gary
Haha awe bru long time no see.. Nah bru went for trials but didn't play leka.. Spot u soon
Do you have any regrets and if so what?
Nah not really ayy* don't regret something cause it was once something you wanted ;)
I mean relationship way..out of all your girlfriends?
Won't answer cause people think things so rather ping me and ill tell you
What girls are you really close with?
carly williams , samantha de klerk.. Candice rudman.. Emmy leigh nel christin jackson and danaldo gericke
You so full of shi*
You love it ;)
So whts with you and this Danaldo gal?*_
Just good friends :)
Describe your dream girl!
Hmmm... Well if you knew me you'd know ;) haha nah joking I don't really know ayy*
:)HeHeHe!! JyS nEt sOooOo ouLiik wUh mWaH!!*<3
Dankie jy :)x
Are u gna surprise me today?
Sure :|
I mean who made you feel special?
A lot of people have :/
So lol what was your best relationship?
What you mean best?
When we going 2 hook up;)
Right now :D
On what?
Ping me and ill tell you on bbm:)
Want a girl?
Depends ayy*
When you coming to shakes again?!?
Never :P
Got a girl?
Nope :) single as a pringle*
Did you make EP rugby?:)
I dunno still waiting for the selectors to tell me.. But I highly doubt it :)
Do you like anyone?
Yeah but didn't work out
Do you think you going to be single for long?
I'm not to sure why?
Best girl friend?
Surely hayley..
Who was that one girl you could have but never got ?
Sure she knows who she is..
Who's your girl now?
I don't have one :)
I want to know if you feel for me how I really feel for you.. If your feelings for me are true
I dunno who you are.. So yeah :/
Do you have a girl?
Whose your girl bra???
Don't have one
Are you single?
Yes indeed I am:)
hehe who loves you more than anyone in the world?:) xx
I dunno you tell me?
How old are you?
Old enough for a I'd book;)
I love you!!
Oh stopit you*