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Being nice
To always respect my mumma
My shoes
Not a song but -John cena- it's so annoying
My mum Lolss
33 actually walked around and counted
I hate you. You are so rude**** Thanks b ❤️❤️ I love you too
Cause we are cool Nah honestly we both just have big personalities that clash but she's pretty cool
Bad manners
Bella & kayss
Jack-root wade-root haiden-boot Tyler-root jye-boot Bailey who??? mitch??? bush- boot Simon-boot Jack b- boot Cody-boot Mr hoff-lol what?
My mum lols
Who are you omg kms
When you come off anon
Smaller then yours
Who asks this sht omg.... But everyday... Haha
Haha im not but thanks b xx
A perfect person ☺️
My best friend in year 1 lols
Thanks for the inspiration ?