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I miss her so much. she's still a legend x
that I'm quiet
yes, they feel weird
being at home, in bed on a Saturday night on tumblr - not that I'd know...
depends how well they planned my funeral
scarlette, G, indy, cass and miki
hey Nigel
hi me :)
where?! who's Nigel!?!
gorgeous girl and I miss you lots xxx
very important girl and I love her lots <3 xx
georgia, scarlette, indy, miki, Cassie
unwritten - Natasha bedingfield
Georgia's jokes :')
reading minds!
yesterday i think...?
seeing my best friends upset
Luke brooks..?
when I was 3 and nana took me shopping and I walked out the shop with a hat on and the sercuity started beeping >.<
haha good. I miss you too xx
:) xx
I'd probably get an elephant...
nah. come backkkkkk xx I miss you :(
a lot of people
haha love you too :*
for Cassie to come back x
being sick
haha mines slack as* mole :) who's this?
scarlette and Cassie
jeans :$
thank you :* x
mmm I don't know
I love too x I'm missing you loads. you've helped me through heaps as well. come back to baysie pleaseeeee. see you in a few weeks bby xx <3
the fault in our star's and a few others :)
talking without getting distracted
Cassie's amazing and I love her lots <3 I'm gonna miss her when she moves :( xxx
scarlette <3 Georgia, Bec, Indy, Cassie and Tammy xx
as long as its big enough for me to see, I honestly don't care
how old would I be when I die
I had a cat called Harley hahaha :'') < dont even ask and no I defaintly don't miss him
haha sure thang xxxxx
youre Absolutly amazing! and you've helped me through so much. I love you so much!! there's no words to describe how much I love you! xx mwahhh! you're perfect <3 x
seeing scar and Bec everyday :( x
it would help if I knew who you were?...
more sleep.
nope :)
hot and should meet. who is this? inbox me? x
no idea...
1 dog 2 cats 4 frogs 2 Mexican walking fish 3 fish 40 insects 3 hermit crabs :)
a thing my nana and grandpa gave me from their wedding <3 50 years ago
if I got to meet him... then probably. who is this?
if he was hot then sure why not
she's a *****. nah I love her and shes amazing x my little indo!
in wish.... but no. inbox Me?
two sisters 11 & 9
who is this? kik me amyglenrox13
who is this? kik me ~ amyglenrox13
Bec harrisbeautiful is perfect an my bestfriend. <3 x
idgaf what Mia does or wears.
for me to know and you to find out :*
wtf? no? his like my brother...
no. we're sisters.
no? I love Bec.
does it really matter!?
scarlette always!