What makes people boring?
When they always talk about them self.. ! And nothing other then them!
Worst food you ever eaten in your whole entire LIFE!!!
Idk what's it called but it was like soup and meat mixed with this flavoring in a packet plus there were tiny little insects in it.. Which was disgusting (they forgot to WASH the vegetables)
Songs !!!!!
Skye full of stars, break free, Maps, really don't care, Ghost, Wasted, Fancy, Blackout and idk lots more..
Friend you cannot live without?
All of them :D
Potatos r yum u can make chips out of them KSeuxl_
Yeah... -_-
Have you ever farted in public?
I don't think so... -_-
What level are u on pixel gun Dxbbie
Lol no ;)
If you were stranded on an island and had no food... What friend would u kill first...
Non.. I'd end up alone •_•
Favourite colour
Aquamarine :3
You and.......
Idk? What..?
What would you prefer instagram or Skype
Your the bestest friend eva do u agree ? KSeuxl_
Yeah sure ok :)
Thoughts ¡!!¿?¿?¿?¿? KSeuxl_
I'm feeling a little hungry atm >_<
Thoughts on meeee !?¿?¿?¿¡!!!¡¡
If only had 1 choice and that was what person would u feed to lions
What do u find in a guy?
Do u like watermelons
If u were a millionaire what would u do with ur money
Spend it -.-
What's ur favor food
What do u want to become when u r older
Are u a bro -.-
YESSAASSA ! *bro fist*
Favourite shop
I don't have one...
Name all ur friends
Friiieeeennddddsss :)
Is u were granted 3 wishes what would it be
A Genie to grant me more wishes and to time travel and to have invisibility powers
What's the most favorite thing in the world?
What r u feeling atm?
Last TV show you watched
Show/movie that your watching on the tv ? KSeuxl_
How do u know I'm watching tv
What's your favourite app of the month ? And do u have a YouTube account ?
Pixal Gun (am addictive) and no
Are you bored
No I'm April
Favourite celeb
Eminem :3
Am I fabulous?
Yes yes u are
Favor colour
Aquamarine :)
favorite song of all time?
Have u ever played a sport that u didn't like doing
What's your favourite moment that happened to u?
Not being able to stop laughing >_<
Hey umm..... So I don't know really know what to ask but ......hmmm.. What is the name of your best friend
Um ok.. I don't really have a certain best friend I like my friends all equally no one is more liked than the other I guess?
Favourite sport
Basketball/Footy :)
Last crushes name
I don't HAVE ONE.. :p
Favourite tv show
Simpsons :)
Crushes name?
Don't have one
Last song you listened to
Do you like chicken
No I like Fried Chicken..
Can u lick ur nose with ur tongue aaprrill
Dumbest thing you've ever heard?
Trip over flat ground