Hey my #wifey just wanted u to know you the prettiest girl ever and love you lots ♥and popping in as wel :p♥♥♥#tag_buddie nzo14
NxaWww_hehe tankOo luvy_ #blushies ℓ♥ℓ #mwahZzz loves u 2 buDdZ ;)
You Gorgeous ....
Thank you_*♥
Do you like sophie SOPHIE2
I don't lyk her I love her_lol love u buddy ♥
R u dating a guy tht nym starts with a W
Sort of...y?..
When u think of a guy that u had sum history with do ur feelings *** back or not ?
It comes nd goes..
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
To be loved by some1 tht u liked long time ago...
What part/s of your body do most guys like
Uhm well_it depends on if they saw my body..
Have you ever been friendzoned?
Yes I have
Y u single
Becoz I jst got out of a relationship...
What would you like in a guy
A guy that won't give up on me, nd won't hurt me nd should have manners
Are your boo*s real?
Yes they are..
Who do u like in ur skool nd be honest
No1_they all jst ugly to me..
What are your dreams for the future
To become a model, or ballet dancer...:)
Why are so pretty?
ℓ♥ℓ uhm I wouldn't knw...