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Shaye Kidd


Ask away :)))

165 Replies

Smartphone that is on your wishlist?

I already have an iPhone so yeah aha

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 3929 days ago

Who is your crush? Dont be shy


abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4033 days ago

A song they should play at your funeral?

I don't actually know..

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4039 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

There's a few things tbh

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4059 days ago

How much is currently in your bank account?

I dont have a bank account

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4061 days ago

A person you never want to talk to again?

Ohhh, there's heapsssss of people I never want to talk to again

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4062 days ago

What was your last date like?

I don't actually know or think I have been on a real date before..

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4075 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Either one. I don't care haha

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4090 days ago

How big is your TV?


abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4093 days ago

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

I don't know. what my futures gonna be like probably

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4098 days ago

What are you wearing right now?


abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4100 days ago

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

sometimes but not really

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4105 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

1. I like you 2. I've liked you for ages and you still haven't realised it yet 3. you have so much hate for yourself and your pretty much perfect! (all to the one person but there's more that I want to say)

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4105 days ago 1

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

Sometimes but I know I'll never get help with anything in return later on so yeah... :/

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4106 days ago

Your not going to get to know Jordan better he hates you your ew

I don't really mind if I don't get to know him better and why don't you ask him if he hates me and before you criticise someone for being 'ew' or ugly or something along those lines, make sure your perfect yourself you **** head! and I know I'm not perfect and I hate myself enough as it is and I don't need your help for making me hate myself even more! so **** off!

abcdefghijklemenopqrstuvwxynzS replied 4110 days ago