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Adam Dart


ask me anything you want

113 Replies

Tbh on Eric ?

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

honestly you guys have the best relationship. don't let other stupid comments make you upset, they are honestly probably just jealous. love you both. X - tahnee tahneeeeee

Thanks tahneeeee xx

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

Dont listen to the haters adam, you and annelise are adorable, dont ever let people get in your relationship they are so not worth it, stay strong both of you ❤

Thank you to whoever this is means heaps xxx

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

to the person or people who are writing crap about adam and annelises relationship seriously need to get a life. you obviously have nothing better to do then sit behind a screen being so rude because your just jealous! pls boot off:) love you's two xx livschroeter

Ahh livyyyy xx

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

Loving you and Anneliese lots Adam xxx
Always here for you two with anything ❤️
Tay xx (you don't need those ****s in your life)

Thanks Tay xxxxx

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

Come have a few cans at mine this weekend mate, im always here for you brother! xx - Tynan

Cheers man <3 means heaps x

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

Adam, I seriously feel so sorry for you and Annelise, you shouldn't be getting all this hate! You and Annelise are sooo adorable! People are just jealous of you two! I hope you two last a long time :) x BrookieNitschke

Thanks Brooke!! Means a lot xxx

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago 1

whoevers writing all this **** on here about annelise & adams relationship really need to grow the **** up, if two people are genuinely happy together why would you want to ruin that? so selfish and heartless love you's both so much xx tiarnee.edwards

Love you narnzy x

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

**** off hating on adam's relationship, just because you're obviously a jealous ****, or you obviously have nothing else better to do then hate on other peoples relationship. Seriously you're pathetic you dumb **** - Halley Mackie, got yo back ❤️❤️

You are the best <3 <3

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

omg I feel sorry for you with all this hate you have the best relationship

Thanks :)

adam.h.dart replied 3307 days ago

Don't listen to what everyone says about you and Annelise yous are the best couple going round she wouldn't flirt with anyone else nor would you
just ignore them Adam
love ya x

Thanks whoever this is xx

adam.h.dart replied 3308 days ago

Hey Cuz - you and Annelise are the cutest most adorable couple out there!! Don't let those jealous anons get to you, they need to get their own life and put their noses somewhere else!! Annelise is so beautifully stunning, love you both - Mikayla <3

Thanks mikayla ❤️❤️❤️

adam.h.dart replied 3308 days ago

Why the **** is your last name allgoods?

bro calm down its allgoods

adam.h.dart replied 3308 days ago

opinion of Robyn ?

One amazing human being, easily one of my favourites, always there for me and easy to talk to about anything, and very very kind

adam.h.dart replied 3326 days ago

tbh on that sick ***** jade betteridge!? :) x

One of my favourite people, I can trust you with my life x

adam.h.dart replied 3326 days ago