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Probs just Connie
Cory is sofaking gay... LELELELEL
****ing awesome of course
None of them, wouldn't be any fun
rude as balls
In ranked at the moment I've been playing a fair but of mid lane Annie
Pokemon is probably the best option so I'll give you a second place just so it's a bit more interesting. Second one would probably be something like Skyrim or maybe even Borderlands, any sort of RPG pretty much.
As if we won everyone must be super stupid :')) I was sick but we have maths tomorrow so it's all good >:)
"Success is when you're free at 3:30 on a Tuesday." -Stewie Griffin
I swear to god Bryson
Oh snap
No? Why would she be that's stupid as
That's it you're done for
If this is Bryson I'm gonna have to murder him a little bit
ur ded
I will hunt you down
leave please bryson
KNEW IT. I think I would go with Lettuce, I don't know why but I think lettuce pants would be pretty cool. Also, if you eat some will it come back or be lost forever?
go away bryson omfg
Obviously Swagman... Nah it'd probably be related to Adon. By the way who keeps asking these sorts of questions? I think it's Codyy but whoever it is keep 'em coming.
People that annoy me (even though it says one thing)
Gonna just do personality because it's easier. Chantelle: 10 Beth: 10 Crystal: 8 Keisha: 8 as well
That's really weird and nice at the same time
Keisha is really nice and same with Crystal but haven't spoke to either of them for a while. Thanks!
if you sent the last thing that I ignored, I hope you fall off a very tall building
Mainly green
One that works
Whoever whoever ;)
Really nice and funny and shouldn't ask questions about herself ;)
Both are awesome mates
Hmmm I dunno ;)
Jett, just letting you know, people keep like saying your name and **** and I haven't been answering them. So, yeah.
There's this Connie kid she's pretty boring.. ;)
Onix, rock hard bby
band aids are a solution
Playing Nunu in U.R.F.
mega douche nah jks kidding ily
I'm gonna be honest, most likely no one unless I could kinda just slow it by putting my hand in front of it
Empire of Earth, League of Legends (addicting) and Borderlands 2 are the ones I can think of
Vacuum because then when you used it you would be s*cked into a time vacuum, via a vacuum.
That kid s*cks ;) nah he's a good mate and really funny
We'll see homie g
I swear to god if this is Eddie I'm gonna lose my **** because you should really get over it
12 Years a Slave
I would have to say no for a few reasons. 1. Considering I am only 14 I most likely still have a while to live so the money would run out eventually but the ketchup would not. 2. Not all people like ketchup.
Good to know
Well she already is lololol
Thanks, so are you anon <3
Who is Commie? huehue
Not at the moment but maybe in future times
Perfect, duh
Haven't had it lul
dis piper doe
Like usual, all my mates at Bairnsdale
From this year, I dunno many of them very well but Jake, Shaun, Justin and Johaan are all funny and nice and stuff
Really, really nice and super smart
That's a HARD question hehe
Hahahaha :') hoh ooh /.
Depends on the situation but sometimes when people say I hate my life they're just whining and that kinda makes me sad
That'd be a bit rude having favourite friends
Connie, Azalea annnnd Nat or Amy I dunno
How many do you want me to name?
So nice and funny and always good to talk to, she's great
Socks are pretty sick
Depends which person
Ethan is that you?
Hahahah whaaaaaat? :')
Jacob is the only name I can think of and I know a few so that's good for you pal
no idea
I honestly don't care if you tell me or not for 2 reasons: 1. Not gonna make me dislike you 2. Not gonna make me like anyone else
I know right, it's great
of course
Okay get this... Daffyd, likes Nat :o
aww yesss
Everyone knows that I reckon she's perff
Can you be more patient?
This is a lot of people. Ash: A person Jarod: Whoever Marissa: Umm no idea Jess: Someone Adam: Someone of his own kind Ari: Not sure Chealsea: Dunno Dan: Anything but his hand (sorry this was answered so lazily but I honestly couldn't think of any)
Sooooo funny and nice and should learn that I don't have an xbox
Pretty, super funny and nice as well!
She's really nice and funny and what not but we don't talk much
I don't even know
no u r
More like the mega **** lord Bryson
Really nice but don't know her that well still
Extremely funny and fun to be around