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I'd rather not have them on my thoughts
I'm afraid of Eli losing his b**ty
I've lost some weight fam ?
Apparently I don't have one
Seeing elis b**ty
Inbox me bro
Wow dude thats huge
Buying full cream instead of skim milk
People trying to make me feel better
$2500 on di*dos
Idk but ill tell you something that everyone hates but i love, a lactating camel
A lactating dinosaur
Deffinantley not getting stabbed by my dentist
Well if you really knew me, its not really called being an idiot, its called expressing my inner ROAR!!!
Because the one and only FAROUTCRA5Y tought me how to be
Jess, you are the ying to my yang, the yes to my no, the fck to my buddy i love you with all my heart and our child would be amazing
Amazing chick i love you so much you are one of the best people ever xx
Because i cut the circulation off to my gooch
Wanking lol jks of course im gonna wank
Much appreciated thatnks for noticing my looks over my weight ?
Mate im not even smarter then a first grader
I fcking love you, you're my inspiration, you're the bread to my butter, you're just amazing ❤️?
Jess Edmonds, Renee Green, Chloe Glasson and heaps of other chicks
Eli, Tiarna, Bobbi, Bianca, Jett and Mitchell
Fine i did it
Ive thought about doing it but then i changed my mind