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Adrian Pace


say what ya want

49 Replies

Ex that you'd take back?

none :)

adrianpace2288 replied 3310 days ago 1

What's the worst thing you've ever done?


adrianpace2288 replied 3435 days ago

thoughts m8 jess.kivimets14


adrianpace2288 replied 3473 days ago

What do you want right now ?


adrianpace2288 replied 3475 days ago

Are you a selfish person ?

I'm selfish when it comes to food

adrianpace2288 replied 3479 days ago 2

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Georgia already does everything for me

adrianpace2288 replied 3495 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


adrianpace2288 replied 3500 days ago

Ok real thoughts now mate georgiarenee

your one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world. you make me laugh so much in class when you talk to the wall. but I'm still mad that you killed Juan :( but love you lots

adrianpace2288 replied 3517 days ago 1

Thouughts? georgiarenee

eh your ok

adrianpace2288 replied 3517 days ago

Thoughts on me man kira_storer

good to talk to, really pretty and always laughing. great girl to be around

adrianpace2288 replied 3517 days ago 1

Thoughts?? Mikaylatyrrellxx

ew feral, nah jokes your a pretty cool friend and your up for a laugh but you go for Adelaide. ew.

adrianpace2288 replied 3522 days ago 1

If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be??

I've meet enough people

adrianpace2288 replied 3532 days ago

Azza ay?✊

who's azza?

adrianpace2288 replied 3532 days ago

Thoughts? :) georgiarenee

Georgia! we only met like last week but I can tell we will be friends for agers! even tho your rude to me sometimes I'm still gonna call you Azza ;)

adrianpace2288 replied 3587 days ago 1

Thoughts matey?? NaideineSuttiexx

one of the weakest people I know.. jks really good friend, easy to get along with and can always have a laugh with :)

adrianpace2288 replied 3589 days ago 1