Mickey Malone
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And then ?
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WTF Go be bored somewhere else with ur thirsty A$$
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Dodgy AF....
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Wtf Noo u need help
Who is your crush ?
I don't have one at the moment
Do u have a girlfriend?
No why
What is ur favourite sport?
Rugby of course
Are u single or taken
Who is betty?
A beautiful girl I know
Y u gotta be so cute??
I don't know just bein me
What do you silently judge people for?
Nothing Really
My monkey ?
---------------------------------??? Keee.keee
Heyyyyyyy Boo❤️❤️
What is something that people might not like about you?
That I Dnt Talk A Lot Lol
What was your first relationship like?
Waste of time
0636875013 - slide into her personal messages
What do you have no time for?
Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?
I Would Buy A Koenigsegg Trevita
What are you obsessed with?
I'm obsessed about Sneakers
What got you upset recently?
I'm not upset I'm just Chilled
Which song describes your mood today ?
Composure By AKA
What are you currently worried about ?
Nothing At The Moment
Who and when was your first kiss ?
My first kiss was with a girl named Sarah in grade 2
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
In USA cuz im gonna go study there
What was the happiest moment in your life?
Spending time with my father
I'm your ex and you telling me that babe
Just tell me who u are please
Why r u ugly like a cunning devil
Go look int the mirror and ask yourself that question Nigga I ain't got time for fcktards Like You If u here 2 chune me plz vy pozi and go sleep btchtard motherfckr
What are you passionate about?
I am Passionate about Cricket
What life lesson did you learn today ?
There's A Time For Everything
What was the last thing that got stolen from you?
My Expensive beautiful watch
A song you think is overated ?
Silento Watch Me Whip And Nae Nae
How many doors do you have at your house?
About 10
Who do u try to impress
I am the master of it
Why u so black on your profile picture
Lol Cuz I am black
Why are you special ???
I am one of a kind why are you?
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Live A Life You Will Remember