Pataida Mazile
What is your biggest fear?
Being a faliure in life
Have u ever peed in the swimmin pool
Did you have $ex with Ashley
What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?
That i had been so drunk one night i had $ex
Are you dating veronica muzenda from DC
Are you dating veronica muzenda from DC
What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?
daddys home nd it was on fleek
What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?
talk to my friends
Who's your best friend from Saints
Steven kieth tamuka dwayne
What's the coolest thing you did that no one saw?
kissed a girl and smoked
Who's the prettiest girl from Chisi that you know
i know who this is and it's you
If you were to date one person from Chisi who would you pick
maybe tadi