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Alanah Robertson



33 Replies

you are perfect, i love you so much.

:3 thank you xoxoxoxo
i am however, not perfect.

alanahrobertson replied 4329 days ago

Heres a question?


alanahrobertson replied 4337 days ago

wna c mi dik MarkNutt

wots a dik

alanahrobertson replied 4350 days ago

"i feel a million bucks" i say to you. you as*ume i've made a typo but in reality i've spent the last 16 years of my life systematically feeling every male deer in the world. their hooves are so strong, their fur so soft MarkNutt


alanahrobertson replied 4350 days ago

what color are your toenails painted?

blue hahaha

alanahrobertson replied 4361 days ago

Do you like girls or boys? ;)

girls, me and Suzie lez 4 lyf

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

Favourite movie?

ghostbusters 2, wanted, warrior

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

if your name was mary would you have a little lamb?

nah. i'd rather have a rat.

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

False. You forgot to take into account that you can't chuck farts. Unless they have lumps. In which you were correct. Do your farts have lumps?

only sometimes

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

do you have a beaver under your carpet?

pretty sure there's wood under my carpet. i've never pulled the carpet up in my house before so this is just a wild guess

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago 1

do you mas*******?

wouldn't you like to know.

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck farts?


alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

I know what you did last summer...
He was my friend... MY FRIEND!
How could you do this to us?
I hope you realise this has caused my squirrel foster family a great deal of grief.
I expect a full hand written apology card by next tuesday on my desk.

okay I am sorry. who do i address the apology to?

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago

how big is too big?

depends what you're talking about. my subway sandwiches you know.. 12 inches isn't enough.

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago 1

Do you hakuna your tata?

only on wednesdays and fridays

alanahrobertson replied 4447 days ago