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I only like one person. who is this?
yes. who is this?
she is perfect!! shes super pretty and really nice she has an amazing smile xx
not telling (:
no order
india, georgia, abby, emily, teagan
if it was just one person probably my mum xx
I like heaps of movies but if I picked one probably the last song (\':
yes, your a comedian I swear, that's why xx
yea!! of course you my best friend :*
I don't know who this is, if people didn't see this I'd tell you. sorry
she's really funny! and super pretty (:
I don't know her that well, but she seems super nice and she is really pretty!
if you mean kira mills, then yes of course!!
honestly don't know..
she's the se*iest :)
haha, I don\'t know who you are?