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175 Replies

Why did you finger yourself at school

It was a rumour you didn't miss out Bub

alexandrabeswick replied 2995 days ago

Why did you finger yourself at school?

I didn't but ok

alexandrabeswick replied 2995 days ago

What will you be doing in next hour ?

Hanging w Britt

alexandrabeswick replied 2995 days ago

What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?

That I fingered myself at school with a pencil

alexandrabeswick replied 3014 days ago

Your current mood ?

Tired from work

alexandrabeswick replied 3118 days ago

What got you upset recently?

My lack of motivation

alexandrabeswick replied 3133 days ago

What are you currently worried about ?

Not a thing in the worldddd

alexandrabeswick replied 3140 days ago

What was the happiest moment in your life?

When Britt asked me to be hers x x x x

alexandrabeswick replied 3150 days ago 2

what are we jealous about? you're fat, and Brittany's disgusting, by far the biggest mistake katelin and i ever made HAHA, I'm far from a *****, thankyou v much. you don't even know me nor do you know what I'm like, so don't call me a ***** :)))))) monique9914

First all of I may be fat but so is Katelin lol so, oh yeah Britt is so disgusting that Katelin begged for her back. And you were seeing her for ages but she's so disgusting. You don't fcking know me nor have you seen me so how would you know that I'm fat? Yeah shut up Whöre

alexandrabeswick replied 3169 days ago

part 2, yes I took the time to tell you to stop being so obsessed and actually move on with your life, you complain katelin and I never leave you alone but you give us reasons not too. don't write qoohmes about us:) monique9914

Clearly you can't fcking leave me alone, because all you do is write anonymous messages to me and Brittany and all Katelin does is fcking text me. I need to move on with my life? I have thank you, my life is beautiful with my beautiful girl and you're both just jealous lol

alexandrabeswick replied 3169 days ago

part 1, stop being so obsessed with katelin and I, and writing qoohme about both of us, I hadn't even spoke to you or about you when you wrote the question or whatever it was, saying 'stay away from girls like Monique datson' monique9914

You wouldn't have seen it if you weren't stalking me, plus I'm not obsessed I was just letting everyone know to stay away from whöres like you.

alexandrabeswick replied 3169 days ago

One word to describe your Ex


alexandrabeswick replied 3170 days ago

How many kids would you like to have ?

2 boys

alexandrabeswick replied 3180 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Stay away from girls like monique Datson

alexandrabeswick replied 3190 days ago 1

Whats your addiction?

My gf & arguing

alexandrabeswick replied 3192 days ago