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Alex George


Ask away, just remember who it is you're dealing with. Also, Ben and Jordon, pls go.

278 Replies

Instead of turning base for Runway 35L at Moorabbin Airport when I'm in an aircraft next, I'm going to go into a rapid descent and aim for your house whilst yelling out arabic phrases :D

Brutal. Great name for a metal band, though. I'm thinking I play base, you be lead vocals?

alexgeorge984 replied 3083 days ago

Finished exams?

Yeah fam. That's why I'm gettin' wasted.

alexgeorge984 replied 3083 days ago

Wassup? :P Do you like carrots?

Hell yeah. Did you know that during WW2, the British circulated a myth the carrots help you see in the dark? It was to hide their night vision technology. Carrots are one hell of a vegetable.

alexgeorge984 replied 3083 days ago

Heyo :P


alexgeorge984 replied 3084 days ago


Hi there!

alexgeorge984 replied 3084 days ago

How fish is an the lead curator of metal gray solid 5?

You s*ck at typing.

alexgeorge984 replied 3084 days ago

Are you a fcking daft ****?

Yer damned right I am.

alexgeorge984 replied 3084 days ago

Couple of drinks for ya work mate? Cozza2756

Ayyy FAM. We're killing another jug in your honor.

alexgeorge984 replied 3084 days ago

Llama, llama, llama...

I want to ride one into glorious battle against my foes, and show them the true meaning of wrath.

alexgeorge984 replied 3527 days ago

How do i become your fish queen?

Look, do you really wanna know? It involves a lot of mutilation and henious acts committed in Fishmk's name.

alexgeorge984 replied 3527 days ago

Hey, when you type your password into now, it automatically makes it obfuscated.


alexgeorge984 replied 3615 days ago

The password for my facebook is leonjonese969779

I am honestly not sure how to respond to that. I mean, why would I want to know your password? Also, how would I even know what account it unlocks? Also, I get the impression that this is some weird, elaborate reference that is whooshing over my head.

alexgeorge984 replied 3620 days ago

Join ISIS, you neck bearded ****.

Ok, that's crossing a line. The IS is a standing army of psychos who think that ethnic cleansing is an OK thing to do. If you'd ever spoken to me, you know that that's the sort of stuff I think is stupid on so many levels. At least come up with some sort of creative insult, m8. This one is just stupid.

alexgeorge984 replied 3620 days ago


Hi there

alexgeorge984 replied 3620 days ago


Remember when those annoying couples who were waaaaay too heavy on the lovey dovey crap used the word "boo" like people supposedly used the acronym "bae"? I do. That was a dark time. Please just let me forget it.

alexgeorge984 replied 3620 days ago