Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Haven't spoken in a while but a good kid and good at footy!
Good kid, haven't spoken in agessss :)
Okay lovely Chuck us a text if you want
I don't know then sorrryyyy Inbox me if you want my number
Nike jacket
Yeah I do :)
Ice cream
I am god
People that ask me why I'm pissed off
I don't have a Boyf
Not sure if srs or.. Blood is oxygenated by a process called gas exchange. Gas exchange is the process where oxygen moves by diffusion (high pressure to low pressure) from the lungs to the blood. Oxygen will move from the alveoli (high pressure) to the blood ( low pressure) therefore the blood is now oxygenated and ready to use.
-.- it goes through the right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, then to lungs where gas exchange takes place, so the blood becomes oxygenated. The blood goes through pharynx then through the larynx and trachea down to the the bronchi then to the bronchioles then to the alveoli, this is where the blood goes from high pressure to low pressure by the form of diffusion then it goes from there to the pulmonary vein, the left atrium, left ventricle, aorta and then it is pumped around the body lol
Not sure if srs -.- gas exchange and diffusion
I think that I did pretty well, although I still have one more tomorrow
Aw I love you xx
Danielle xxx
Sure do :')
Well about 3 hours ago there was 99 people attending
Mm that's a hard one, at the moment I would have to say ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream
People with allergies to cheese, they're missing out
Thank yaaaa
Lollllll :') so cheesy
Well aren't you a lad
Mm at the start of last year
Food. Food is love food is life
Made my day thank you
Aww thank you goose
Walking to the kitchen to get more food
Such a gorgeous girl, great personality, miss you xx
Ken, Chanel and Nicole
To be honest I don't even know, I think I'm more confused
:') thank you, *exy
No, not at all
That's cute
Lol doesn't even matter anymore.
Nice hair, good eyes, good at sport, preferably footy, likes cuddles, treats me with respect, trustworthy, doesn't treat me differently around his friends, tanned, good body, sense of humor, good personality and anything else would be a bonus could go on but meh
My Boyf, my everything, my world, can tell you everthying and anything, so hot, ily xx
No, not anymore.
Hug me
Nooooo ;)
Well aren't you too kind
Aren't you sweet but I'm all g
Aha thank you
I don't understand this question, but yes I have
Aww you put the biggest smile on my face lovely xx
Thanks lovely
Aww you qt who is this
Yes and no. I don't know anymore.
Love because he will be rich x
Fingers crossed
We are in a committed relationship, we met through netball
Stressful? Nah man exams are love exams are life
Lol everyone
Kick backkkk
No one tbh
No man
It was pretty good
Any would be lovely
Cameron, peter, Dean, Jason and Jared
Which school
She bought a jeep
Both gorgeous girls, have gotten a lot closer with them this year, I want to continue getting closer!
Thank you gorgeous human being
Trust me I know
I know ;)
No? Does our school even do cross country?
Waylon: nice (: Jarrod: funny as, best personality, always manages to make me laugh x Moey: such a funny boy, always manages to put a smile on my face x Dante: don't really speak but seems nice x
My everything
Lol kk
No I don't like Waylon AHAAH never have neve will sorry
Zac Efron
Pretty good I think! Fingers crossed
Thanks darl