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hey bæ

458 Replies

Your most embarrassing moment ?

Too many

aliioxo replied 3123 days ago

Last great thing you did ?

Be alive omg

aliioxo replied 3234 days ago

I got the exact same message wtf Leisharose

now i dont feel speacial

aliioxo replied 3237 days ago

Alison you are honestly one of the most perfect girls i know and i'm so grateful i have you in my life. I don't know where id be without you and please continue keeping your head up, staying strong and remember how much you mean to me and how beautiful you are

This is beautiful to whoever wrote this xoxoxoxox

aliioxo replied 3237 days ago

Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?

ugly, you shouldnt love someone because their hot. being hot can only get you so faf

aliioxo replied 3250 days ago

thoughts on
Kayla Bowen
Sharnee Mason
Torri Day

kayla - great personality, and pretty and good to be around. sharnee - so nice and pretty love her to bits i have no thoughts on torri :))

aliioxo replied 3282 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

ones who pretend there pregnant for money

aliioxo replied 3290 days ago

You ****ed Caleb, your now on what 10 ?

no 1

aliioxo replied 3293 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?


aliioxo replied 3293 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

how im still stuck with hating so many people lol

aliioxo replied 3293 days ago

What do you want right now ?

some more money so i can buy more things

aliioxo replied 3297 days ago

Are you a girl, yes or no

no i have a ****

aliioxo replied 3313 days ago

Are you a girl

no i have a p****

aliioxo replied 3314 days ago

What's your bbm pin DJ_Cake

lol wtf

aliioxo replied 3314 days ago


grace is a babe, so yes i am a babe

aliioxo replied 3315 days ago