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Alisa Ademi



427 Replies

whats ur snapchat

whats ur credit card number

alisa1234 replied 3501 days ago 2

I'd rather kill myself than touch your feet monicajov


alisa1234 replied 3548 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Unfriended, was fkn horrible

alisa1234 replied 3556 days ago 1

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Monica to massage my feet

alisa1234 replied 3561 days ago

Biggest fear?

To be forgotten or like alone, or if someone walks out of my life because they're bored of me like, lost enough people, some permenantly and some just that decided to walk out, im not down for losing anymore, helllll naa

alisa1234 replied 3563 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?

34, dayum

alisa1234 replied 3566 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

My bestfriend

alisa1234 replied 3568 days ago

Thoughtsssssss Leahmcintosh

I fkn love you! Most nicest, smartest, best girl to be around, and the way you sass ms roth barton makes me laugh :') you're amazing, simple as that and im glad we became friends :)

alisa1234 replied 3568 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

He knows who he is, still like him wtf

alisa1234 replied 3570 days ago 2

How are you always happy?

Because hopefully, by being 'happy' and always having a positive figure about life, other people too will become forgetful of things that are the least if their worries, but cause them pain, and will look into things from now on what makes them happy. Everyones stressed for the future, just chill, it hasnt come yet to be dealt with. But for those who choose to be miserable daily only affect themselves, sorry but if you choose to be negative your outcome will only be negative. Even though you're fed up you gotta keep ya head up :)

alisa1234 replied 3573 days ago 3

What do you spend your money on the most ?


alisa1234 replied 3626 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Maddi fell asleep on face time and i had so nuch to dnm about :'(((

alisa1234 replied 3627 days ago 2

Who told you they loved you last

Im pretty sure it was maddi

alisa1234 replied 3641 days ago

Dream holiday destination ?


alisa1234 replied 3662 days ago

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?

Kindness & respect , being a gentleman/lady. Not judging others for how they look ,act, think or speak etc, Not picking on those who are different, it should be called communications because we need to learn how to treat one another

alisa1234 replied 3667 days ago 3