Are people causing you trouble Allie?
- J
Believe that doesn't matter
How are you kid?
- J
Please don't call me kid
I liked it
- J
Dot think you did
"Someone like for a message? ?"
That's what 'friends' are for :P
- J
'Friends' for sure
I'll invite you to my next party haha. Shall be good.
- J
Aw yay
Oh well that s*cks. I mean good luck, but partying is fun
- J
I know. Love partying
What if we both know we have strong feelings for one another?
Then do something about it
Haha, why not? :P
- J
I have a dance exam
Umm... Abbi Dowling's
- J
Aw nah I can't
Racecourse, tomorrow night
- J
Who's party?
Oh buddy, come party with me.
- J
Sure. Where at?
How do I get my ex back?
Tell them how you feel. They really need to know in able to let it all out
Any parties or anything planned this weekend?
- J
Haha, I'm proud of you.
- J
Thank you very much
Oh that was good. Smooth transition
- J
Thanks I tried freaky hard then
I'm just trying to be my charming self haha. I'm not doing too well today
- J
Aw okay, hahah. Maybe should inbox me so I can know more about your charming self
No I was, I just didn't see you.
I'm sure you looked as lovely as always though :P
- J
Oh I don't think so but okay!
Haven't seen you for a couple days
- J
Oh weren't you at school today?
you are really cute. be very happy with who uou are
Aw thank you heaps
lol i didnt put a question mark on there
Ou okay hahaha
You're adorable ?
Thanks ?
You might change. No chances just yet ?
- J
Doubt I will change but okay
Well you know we've spoken, just not often.
You've always been nice to me, but still...
- J
Oh, when did we last speak? I'm not going to change my ways towards someone if I find out who they are
Maybe that's just you though, maybe you didn't like the look of me haha
- J
Nah it's not me, I wouldn't know. Don't know who you are
I saw you today, and you kind of just stared at me haha. It's not real inviting
- J
Oh sorry, maybe if I knew who you were it might help so I don't seem so btchy
So I'm a little torn between what I should do now. I like making you happy, if I really am doing that... but I also don't like being so creepy. Life is hard.
- J
I believe you should inbox me tbh
And because you are super cute Allie
- J
That's adorable
You know what Reece, that's actually what I'm here for haha
- J
Nice hahah
I bet you look super cute in pyjamas
I look mighty fine
How are you single?
- J
I don't really talk to anyone.. Hahahah. I talk to gab and renae, then just snapchat like one person and that's it
This guy is creepy but he is so consistent with making you feel so good about yourself so 'J' keep up the work mate great to see her have a laugh or smile :) reecehamriding
He is a little creepy, but thanks Reece. It's amazing what people would say or do just to make someone smile :)
I know it's extra creepy, but I really do mean it in the best possible way haha.
- J
Thanks haha
Just when I see you at school, it's so great.
You're so pretty, and your body. It's sounds extra creepy, but you're body is really good. Want it probably more than I should haha.
- J
That's cute and creepy. Just kinda wanna know who you are now
I don't necessarily doubt myself... You're just so pretty.
- J
Aw thanks, but I'm not that special hahaha
I was hoping not, but like it seems kind of abusive... as if I would just be using someone
You obviously have to get to know them and make sure they want the same thing
Because I doubt you'll like me haha
- J
Don't doubt yourself
Is it bad that I just want someone to cuddle and kiss? Like I just need to fill a hole.
Not really
You probably won't think I am haha.
Why do you think I'm still anonymous.
- J
Don't know. Dont like it though
I only need one day of your holidays.
Although I'm sure you won't want to stop at 1, I'm pretty fun ;)
- J
Can't wait to find out if you are or not!
Good, then we're all good. I'll see you over the 6 week holidays. I hope you're not going away or anything.
- J
Not that I know of
Wait, are you going to judge me? Ahaha
- J
No haha
Look, I'm not at all afraid of tears. Are you going to judge me if I cry though? I mean, I'm a adult male haha.
- J
That's true
I've never seen either, but I'd like to watch LOL.
Can we watch it together one day?
- J
If you aren't afraid of tears then sure
Favourite movie?
- J
LOL or If I Stay
Definite accident... But as I said. I'm cute.
- J
You are cute
Or I did know it, and it's apart of my plan to charm you? I don't think there's any harm in a little bit of charm.
- J
That's cute
Kinda glad, but also a little sad. Haha
- J
Your a poet and didn't even know it
You're bad at these secrets ;)
(I can't tell if you're kidding or not but oh well)
- J
Hahah, it was a joke but thanks
By the sounds of it, you already do ;)
- J
That was meant to be a secret ;)
I hope you'll love me haha
- J
Probably will
Just remember, I'm a cute person when you get to know me. I swear I can be adorable.
- J
That's even better
Well... I know me.
You're just holding on, probably to be disappointed.
- J
Nah I won't be disappointed
I don't know why you're so excited.
I'm not that great ?
- J
I don't know that yet though
I'll make it all okay one day. I promise.
There will be a day where you know I am.
- J
Can't wait for that day
Awh baby
- J
Making me upset :(
Do you even still want to know who I am? Haha
- J
Like for a message
Just Now... Tempting ?
Should do it
Can't now. Maybe I'll do the next one haha
- J
Sure thing then
Got snapchat baby?;)
Sure do darling ;)
Really wanted to like your "like for an inbox" status tonight haha. Chickened out.
- J
Nah. Like it!
Didn't you hook up with jake or someone at the deb party tho?
No wtf? Hahahahahahahahahahah. Only time I saw Jake was on Thursday when he was with his girlfiend and I was talking to them both hahahahah.
Sorry my bad that's what I was told
Just another rumour
Oh haha someone said you like jake and hate his gf and was pissed off they were together
No? Hahahah
Thoughts on jake sands and his gf? Heard u were a bit jealous
Jealous? I doubt that haha. I love Jake and his girlfriend. They are the cutest couple and they are both the nicest people ever. I am only jealous of their cute relationship
Wth that girl... I don't think she'll leave her boyfriend, and I kinda don't want her to. I want her to be happy... I just. I don't know
I think that even though it's been 6 months and you say your over her. There is still feelings there like you said. Maybe see how she feels, and if she's happy with him. Then that's how it sadly is. No one likes it when the person you love is loving or being loved by someone else.
It's Billy. s*ck my Willy .
Hi billy, no.
I'll make u a young mum okay babe
Look probably not
But you started ignoring me
Hop on top , come for a ride
Probably not sorry
I loved you so much
Aw really? This is adorable
We accidentally kissed, and now I feel horrible; but I miss her and I don't know what I'm doing haha
I think it depends what she wants and if she's willing to leave her boyfriend
Well I just got over my ex after like 6 months, and I partied with her last night and we still miss and have strong feelings for her... But she got a new boyfriend. .
Okay, she's got a new boyfriend. A lot of people seem to think they are over someone until they are together again. It can be more of the factor of missing the memories and not the person exactly. But I understand where your coming from
You're a fckgirl
Thanks for letting me find something out about myself
Thoughts on Sam Durbano?
Met him once while drinking, seems like a nice and funny guy
Are you any good at giving advice?
I'd like to think so, why? What's wrong?
What do you want to do when you finish school?
Be a kindergarten teacher and continue dancing. But I feel like travelling now
Trust me... I'm really not haha
If you tell me who you are I could trust you more.
I'm glad.
P.S; I'm not a fck boy
I wouldn't know. Don't even know who you are.
What is your motto?
All boys are fckboys
Yeah pretty good.
Did you enjoy your deb?
- J
I really did actually! Thank you
How have you been, buddy?
- J
Not too bad, yourself?
Nah but like, I need to know what I'm getting into haha
And I need to know who it is haha
What would you like to do, if we hang out? At my place of course.
Not coming over if I clearly don't know who you are.
Oh that's actually really cute.
Now I'm excited.
Aw good
Maybe I'll invite you over some time.
If you inbox me then sure.
Well I wish I could be the one to make you happy. Or at least help
You should inbox me then
Of course. You seem huggble.
We could just stand there for ages, holding each other. Being happy.
Being happy would be nice
I hope you get to experience it one day
Oh really?
I'm all warm and I always squeeze just the right amount, enough to make you physically feel the love.
Gee thanks
I'm a tad bit taller, but I promise I'm good for cuddles.
That's fine by me
I can be your tall boyfriend.
Jk I'm like your height.
Dang it :(
Kinda fat, not the most attractive, not the coolest
Aw don't feel that way about yourself
Because I'm practically out of everyone's league... haha
I just want to get with you haha
You're kind of out of league
What makes you think that?
But you might when you know who I am
I doubt that
That's the last thing I want to do, but I also don't want to be some creep you hate.
I don't hate you or think your a creep so don't think that