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Allanah Moloney


Ask away people xxx

69 Replies

You're so tacky and I hate you

This is extremely harsh... haha

allanahmoloney replied 3453 days ago

Allanah Moloneyyyy emmbell

Emily Belllll

allanahmoloney replied 3453 days ago

What are you allergic to?


allanahmoloney replied 3453 days ago

Do you have a ****

I don't know maybe you should check for me

allanahmoloney replied 3595 days ago

Why are you so pretty

Last time I checked it was because I got your genes!

allanahmoloney replied 3595 days ago

Whoops that was meant to be anonymous emmbell

Yeah good em!

allanahmoloney replied 3595 days ago

Favourite year 8er? emmbell

There is actually a few em bell there is Alice, tess, Bree, Soph, and of course you!!

allanahmoloney replied 3595 days ago

Who do you miss right now?

All my friends that either moved schools or moved away! We don't see each other anymore

allanahmoloney replied 3773 days ago

Something you will never be good at?

Drawing!!!! I'm terrible

allanahmoloney replied 3804 days ago

Plans for 2014?

To have the best year ever :)

allanahmoloney replied 3853 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Looks for intelligence :)

allanahmoloney replied 3857 days ago

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

Is my future a good future or is it really boring haha

allanahmoloney replied 3865 days ago

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

Depends what kind of help they want!!!

allanahmoloney replied 3874 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

I don't know :/

allanahmoloney replied 3874 days ago

What would you do this year If you had no fear ?

Um probably hold a snake I have done it before but only it's tail!!

allanahmoloney replied 3884 days ago