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Allie Evans


Ask or tell me anything you like

1.8k Replies

Oh just wondering, probably roo.ted

Gets me good everytime ahahhahahahahahhahaha

allieevans replied 3179 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

Pretty hungry for success, happiness along the way

allieevans replied 3392 days ago 2


I don't have snapchat

allieevans replied 3440 days ago

Are you single?


allieevans replied 3445 days ago

Is your year going great ?

Ha fantastic

allieevans replied 3454 days ago

Chase Cordon?

Don't know him that well, but seemed very nice & don't really talk at all so it's hard to say.

allieevans replied 3454 days ago

Thoughts on Nic Hoban?

Really friendly boy! I don't know much else sorry!

allieevans replied 3454 days ago

Why weren't you at sarah and sinas?

I was at Marcus's national trials and would have gotten back too late!

allieevans replied 3484 days ago

What activity always makes you lose track of time?


allieevans replied 3487 days ago

Cutie Bennynagel

I know thnx

allieevans replied 3487 days ago

Me me me xo claire.gee

We had some fun times and you're. But of a wild one which makes it fun, pretty close and was always there when someone needed. We did a fair few things together and never not had fun. Miss you to girlie x

allieevans replied 3489 days ago

me babe? brodiep

You're a funny one I love it so much, really great gal and really friendly and inviting. You're different from anyone else and it's such a good quality to have! Best chick, don't know what I would of done without you whilst moving. Miss ya munchkin xxx

allieevans replied 3489 days ago

If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?

Depressed because it can't do anything :-(

allieevans replied 3493 days ago

If you and Ben break up I'm takin your spot x

Looks like we aren't breaking then. This is probably Emma Mc**** anyway he wouldn't go for you, your pics and *ex at school he isn't that low.

allieevans replied 3507 days ago 5

I cannot believe what happened today im so sorry

It's ok x it's more their problem then mine anyway now

allieevans replied 3508 days ago