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I don't think so
Nah, we actually don't.... We usually agree on everything
Tell her yourself
Ahahha I reckon! Omg, so annoying! Thank bby
Ahahhah ahahah omg kayne! You are one funny boy.
What ahahah?
Inbox me?
I am?
Ahahahah lol
Your b*m hole
Perfect! He is honestly perfect! He takes me out to dinner all the time, gives me countless bunches of flowers, treats me like a princess! He's seriously the most amazing boyfriend ever!!
Ahahaha yeh, different rooms:'( so annoying knowing that he is in another room:( I just wanna cuddle! Ahahah
Ahahha no, they took out the loan for her because she wasn't 18 at the time, but they've transferred the loan over and now she is paying it off:) why?
I love you more baby!! Xxx
I really really am, and it was the fact that I felt so comfortable around him so quickly! He just made me realise how to be my self around a guy, something I could never do before I caught up with him again! He's humour was another big thing! I love a guy that can make me laugh! And also he is the most caring guy I know, always putting me first! Always making sure I am ok! He treats me like an absolute princess! He is perfect! And we have a lot of things in common! Both love sport, which is a big part of both of our lives! Makes it easy to understand each other! I just love him! Ahaha sorry for the ramble! Ahah
Aww no worries! And thank you, really appreciate that! But stop stressing, it'll work out! X and it helps having the most amazing boyfriend, friends and family! Makes it easy to relax!! X
How bout no, you're getting weird.
Hahahaha omg, an exact issue I had as well! If she has trust in you and his parents then it should be easy! Just convince her that you'll behave, not try anything sneaky because you respect the rules of his parents and your mum! It is pretty tricky but if she trust you it should be ok!
Ok well um, we started talking about the topic, like gossiping about certain people like we usually do! It's easier when you have a good relationship with your mum, but I assume you do have a strong one because you're trying to find a way to tell her:) maybe just try and bring the whole '*ex' convo up and just kind of lead the convo to where you and your boyfriend are in the relationship and that you think that you are very committed to him and how much he means to you, and she will probably ask you if you have had *ex with him or not! But if she doesn't maybe just ask if she would mind if you had had *ex with him. And then for sure she will ask! I know it's a really hard thing to bring up but it will be ok! I was scared as well, because I care about what my mum thinks so I really tried to soften the blow by saying that I wanted to tell her but I just wasn't sure how to bring it up or how she was going to respond! It will be ok! Ahaha good luck:) hope that has helped! X
No I don't think so, she trusts that I'll do the right thing and not do anything freaky during the night ahaha
Ahah ok:))
Hey inbox me:))
Don't know....
I don't know
You're actually quite annoying...
Clearly... I'm not a big fan of giving out such personal details to an anonymous.
In between 1 and 1000000
That's nice! Then why are you so ****ing interested in mine!!
I don't wish things were different, I don't exactly mind... But it would be nice if we were each other's.
Omg, none of your business. I'm taking it is you asking all these questions... How about have a *ex life of your own with someone who wants to talk about it as much as you.
Ahahha none of your business. These questions are getting really personal. Yes I'm not a virgin but that's it. You don't need to know the whole *ex experience. Jesus.
Well we had spoken about it before, but it kind of just happened.
Cotton on:))) they are so comfy:)
Ahahha thanks:') I agree
Omg, why do you care?
Well the topic kind of came up in conversation but it was a bit difficult! But no it wasn't that bland.
I do what I want! If you have an issue with it, delete me.
Someone else.
Um, honestly not sure, just search Courtney mason
Over the holidays it was almost everyday, but during school weeks it's hard because of sporting commitments and homework but roughly 3:)
Both. Obviously
Ahahhaha ok I shall
Screw you.
Honestly not sure if he knows or not:/
Ahahhaha my t*** have never been huge, but yeh on the odd occasion I do.
She was understanding and discussed birth control with her:) she's amazing
Yehhh:) I tell my mum everything
Ahahha umm... Well I don't think you need to know that! Inbox me if you really wanna know....
No Ahahahaha
Awwy wuvs Jenna wee;))))
Aww thanks:)) love ya too!
I really do!!
How would you know about the effort we put in??
Ahahah wow, clearly jealous you haven't got the amazing relationship we do...
More than anything!!
Once again, well done
Nope. Never ahah
Yes well done
Probably Jenna burgess
Ahahah ok
No I know
Yes indeed
yeeehhh:') ahaha
the real question is.... would I ever have a chance with him????;) ahah
inbox me??
me too.... ahah nah jks, inbox me
hahaha no you are!!
yeh, he's a great guy... but not sure if those feelings are strong enough to do anything about it yet....
ummm.... I don't even know tbh
hahhahahah ok
ummm.... only twice:((
ahhahahaha screw you!!!:') lol
I don't know yet....
mmmm it's complicated...
not sure what's going on at the moment tbh....
amazing guy, can't even to put into words how much fun I have when I'm with him!! he's so great and we get along so well!! he's probably the nicest guy I've ever met and I'm so glad I did!!:)
aw he's a legend:') nuf said.
ahahah they know I go to gatherings, but I don't get drunk
aww wow thank you..... you clearly don't know me well.
hard to explain...
words can't describe what i think of my beautiful best friend:') <3
mmm not really...
omg, Ronnieeeee is the legends of all legends! she is mah niggaa!! and my one and only niggaaaahhh!!! She's mah dance buddy!:') such an amazing girl, so great to be around, so fun, hilarious, gorgeous and she has the ultimate swag!:') such an awesome girl!:D
look i don't even know.... it's fabulous though;)
yeh he's a great guy! love being with him, but we're just friends fir now... :)