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Love not war

599 Replies

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

Realising that if you’re not happy at the end of the day what is the point of doing it ?

This applies to everything and everyone in life.

aloha_lia_ replied 2570 days ago

Plans for 2018?

Become my own

aloha_lia_ replied 2617 days ago 3

Yoh you're finished with matric already and you still a virgin, I know grade 8's that's lost their's before you lmk

I’m not sure if this is meant to be offending??
But I have respect for myself and I don’t feel the need to sleep with a person if I don’t want to. EVEN if I’m out of matric ? ??
I’m quite proud of that fact.

aloha_lia_ replied 2632 days ago 5

Why did jullietteeave melkbos high?

Because she’s a hoe

aloha_lia_ replied 2683 days ago 1

Hay ling ling... i love you endlessly

Ling ling love you loads and loads ❤️❤️❤️

aloha_lia_ replied 2686 days ago

How did you develop such a high level of self confidence and self love ? Its something i really struggle with and look up to you because of that X #inspiration101

?❤️ this makes me so happy !
For me my self love and self confidence it just happened that one day I was like “okay I can do this I really do love myself” it just clicked that I don’t need to look a certain way or wear a certain size to be accepted, like obviously I’ll have days where I don’t feel confident but I think that’s what all humans have?
I started to follow a lot of people that promote body acceptance and embrace themselves , especially on YouTube such as Buzzfeed, they really made me realise that I’m able to love myself even more even with unique flaws. - as we are all unique.?
And a big thing to having confidence and self love is from yourself - I mean you have to feel it to believe it. It will obviously take time and you have to be selfish at times - I mean take time out of your day and just tell yourself one thing you love about you even it it’s like “oh wow today I really loved how my skin glowed or how my hair fell”.
I feel very passionate about this subject and obviously can’t put everything I have in mind in this answer - feel free to message me ❤️❤️❤️

aloha_lia_ replied 2686 days ago 2

You have a nice b**ty :)

?? Thanks

aloha_lia_ replied 2691 days ago

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?

Let my insecurities over take

aloha_lia_ replied 2691 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Go to sleep

aloha_lia_ replied 2701 days ago 1

What's something that took you way too long to realize?

That you are the only one who can truly make you happy

aloha_lia_ replied 2713 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

My matric dance

aloha_lia_ replied 2715 days ago

Fav top you own?

I love 4 tops currently
A yellow crew neck I got
A orange shirt and jersey
And a green boo* tube

aloha_lia_ replied 2717 days ago 1

Those glasses don't suit you, it looks very weird.

*wears glasses every moment I get to piss you off*

aloha_lia_ replied 2724 days ago 2

The last lie you said?

It's chilled

aloha_lia_ replied 2735 days ago 1

Current crush?

Don't have one

aloha_lia_ replied 2735 days ago