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its a joke haahhaha
coz I'm loose as brah
whats it called?
volkswagen golf!
not yet, I'm not 18 till november!
gorg chick, so funny and easy going!
she is very beautiful inside and out!
inbox me you silly boy!!!!
how am i supposed to know they are out there then?????? ur gawjus
raaaaaaaawr :pppp
can u do a split on da ****
doesn't seem to be :))
i get put on the spit all day everyday
i love big black pulsating di*dos up my as* schweiner
absolutely no way in hell, but you are just gorgeous for writing this so thank you xx
when was i ever going to move to fhs? hahahah
i either want to go down the law or business path but I'm not sure which one yet !
i watch loz curtis, shani, shanxo, dani mansutti, jaclyn hill, carli byble and lots of others!
all of stilla pallets are amazing, the motives eyeshadows are so good, really pigmented, the urban decay naked pallets are also good, although I'm a bit over the colours in them, umm i love making up my own pallets at inglot because great eyeshadows with great pigment for an affordable price!
gigi hadid and bella hadid, kendall jenner duh, taylah roberts, cara delevinge, noami campbell, rosie huntington whitley, candice i don't know WAY too many beautiful girls out there
i don't know
psychology at the moment
my twinny tayler
yes i believe i am
blisque salon in mt eliza! so good
i wear estee lauder double wear or nars sheer glow foundation and i use estee lauder sumptuous infinite mascara
nars creamy concealer bobbi brown shimmer stick hourglass ambient lightening powder anatasia beverly hills brow cream and stilla pallete in soul
well the sorts of questions being asked and the content of them influences whether i respond or not.
just guys
yeah it is! and I have my privacy settings on friends with friends I think, so I'm not sure, maybe have a look?
why is it your business to know whether I am or aren't??????
because I'm obviously going to write that somewhere for everyone to see…………………………
i think chelsea is a great girl so I'm happy for her and i don't care, that was aaaaaaggges ago!
maybe if i was 50 kgs lighter, was a vegan and had legs around 100cm longer than they already are hahaha
not sure whether that's a compliment but thanks i guess hahaha
i mean't inbox me on Facebook!
that's not one else's business how much i weigh and i do both
idk anon u tell me
173 cm or like 5'8
sure babe send me a snappy and ill give you a tit tag xxxxxxx :pppp
I'm not over him no
thanks you sweetheart :-)
echuca :)
no mobile phone!
mmm there is a lot
I don't have any new best friends
look as far as i see it if she really missed me that much she would have made effort to contact me and she hasn't
there is a lot more to our friendship than you know we have been friends since we are babies sure i do miss her and wish everything hadn't of happened how it did, but there are a lot of things she needs/needed to work out with herself before i can be friends with her again
pretty sure is a lot different to being sure
alex.weymouth xx
it completely depends on the person though, inbox me!
i've watched a couple of episodes!
too many i love way to hard! but hunger games for me is up there!
i don't necessarily think I'm the ugliest person but i have a lot of imperfections and things i don't like about myself
i have been to tramp that's all! i need to try out more before i can be an informer of any kind! xxx
i do but i hardly ever go on it!
love me hahahahah
a couple of things!
i don't know but there were only a number of people who knew where certain items were and that is where the item that was stolen was :/
i think 23 would be the oldest i would date at this stage!
don't worry I'm going through a similar situation, minus the new girlfriend bit, keep your head up, things didn't work out for a reason!!
i either want to go down the business or legal path like I'm thinking of doing a arts degree at monash, majoring in business and sub majoring in theatre studies!
ahahah and judging someones personality via their star sign is very general that's for sure
i probably hate how much things have changed between us too, but i wouldn't know because i don't know who this is :/
tayler craig, remi harrison, abby buckley and i love that i am becoming a lot closer with my school friends!
get a job!! hahaah
this holidays I'm starting up!!
hahahah sort of, its more just funny how silly/young it makes us girls in the photo all look
city chur ghee skux
to focus on year 12, dancing as a single activity isn't my passion anymore, but next year I'm focusing on other aspects of the performing arts that i also love!
hmmmm i reckon suggest going and doing something together just you two, like if you've been friends with him for a while I'm sure you would have done things in a group so why not just hint that you want to do something fun just you two but keep it casual the way you say it!
why would i miss gill she is still my little gilly bub
my advice to you would be to follow your heart, but at the same time not let your heart rule your head because although you can't stop thinking about him, it wasn't a healthy relationship and things broke up for a reason! life will take its path and your path leads you back to him, then it will happen when it is supposed to!
both i and you wouldn't know though because i don't know who this is :(
this is seriously amazing, whoever you are, you're the type of people i need in my life! I'm going to do exactly that, work hard and the results will pay off! thank you darling xxxx
I'm sure i miss you too, would love to know who this is x
depends how much you want to spend but my tastes include sass and bide, carla zampatti, alice mccall, sabo skirt, thurley and manning cartel!
hmm i don't know i personally don't think that people that young should drink simply because it is not good for their brain and themselves and if someone chooses to drink alcohol it should be because they enjoy the taste not just necessarily to get smashed all the time and i sort of feel like someone of this age wouldn't know this, they would just be conforming to the majority, but yeah i don't know that's just my personal view!
not a good look
obviously I will be attracted to them but if a boy has a bad or boring personality I am out of there!!
I am perfectly civil with them
single but not emotionally available :)
i miss the times of the ghetto group but the individual members including myself have changed a lot since then
yes, but i also have the belief that everything happens for a reason, so if I'm no longer friends with various people it must be for a reason!
that's none of your business as far as I'm concerned!
hahahaha awww
yeah we will be friends, but these things take time as i have emotions
he's such a cool guy and always lots of fun :))))
yeah exactly and he knows that as well, i appreciate it x
yes absolutely!
*exy lexy fo sure
estee lauder double wear !