Alyssa Griffin
I love you your my bestfriend I don't know what id do without you your perfect and you deserve the best we've had our differences;) but we always fix them:* but ya love you:**
Hts liam w
Cute nice funny ya
hts on savannah?
We used to hate eachother but were good now she's perfect funny I love her and yaa
Hts and when are we gonna chill ;) -Dylan b
Ur cute and nice and funny and chill & sooooon;)
At what age do you want to get married ?
What would you suggest everyone try ?
Craziest thing you ever did for money ?
Any girls you want to be close with?
best friends?
Idk anymore
Tbh Malik long plz bb
Tbh Malik your great and ily and your nice and funny and you've always known when something was wrong and you'd help me through it and I like ur hur
hts on zeshawn
He's nice and gives me gum therefor I like him
Thoughts about Ghandi
So long hair or short
Doesn't matter
So you would.
Ya idc what they look like
Hts on savannah??
She's my fav<3
Would you date a guy with pimples on his face?
Why not
Turn ons and turn offs?
Turn ons
Smells good
Taller then me
Good at giving hugs
The opposite of all the sh*t
Would you ever date a guy with acid on his face?
Long hair or short hair on guys?
Depends on there face
Why do u lead him on u ****ing s k a n k like leave him alone if your gonna hurt him u dumb b I t c h:)
I'm not leading him on I don't even talk to him he just won't leave me alone
You should go to white oaks monday
No thanks
Who do u like
I don't even know anymore
Actually it does cause I care for tyler and all these other guys you're just leading on then dropping them. I'm pretty sure if you were in their position you'd feel like sh*t so drop the bullsh*t and keep your legs and mouth shut thanks VeronicaSimoes
I'm sorry I can't automatically like someone:$
don't listen to it alyssa. no one understands. jennahay
You fuc.king bi-tch unblock me on Facebook right now lmao now I have a problem with you kaylawalsh
I don't know you but you ****ed up big time you could've been with the sweetest kid ever but you decided to hurt him, good job :) SelinaSimoes
You never mean to do anything do you lmfaoo! Stay f*cking single please you don't deserve a guy considering seeing you doing this and your not even dating anyone. VeronicaSimoes
I'm dating jenna:))
K it's not like I mean to lmfao
Are you kidding me? Tyler is loyal he's trying anything to be your everything. Go for him? You just wanna go around. You don't give a sh*t about loyalty, you don't even know what that is please. VeronicaSimoes
I don't like him:$
Pick a guy and stay with him honestly alyssa you're making yourself look like a ho*bag VeronicaSimoes
I try but no guys r loyal to me so when there not loyal to me I'm not loyal to them:)
What annoyed you today?
Too much
Nicholas r
Raeshawn b
Tyler w
John e
Brandon d
Pass all:))
Why do u like someone and then make a stupid status that he is gay and stupid like how many guys have u dated or banged
Why does it concern you:))
long hts<3? -chase
No I'm lazy-.-
htss<3 -chase
Haley D
Chase W
Josh T
Luc M
Devin C
Riley G
Wheel wheel pass wheel wheel wheel
Cutieeee,funny,nice,chill&&you and Jenna r adorableeee
Qtttt:* sosososo nice and u always put others happiness before yours and that's beyond amazing your perfect in every way and your so worth it<3 ily:*
You and Matthew Riddell?
First friend in elemantry
Date wheel or pass
dawson t
bradon d
damian p
tyrone s
jordan v
nate p
Wheel maybe date
Why are you and tyrone always on and off :')
Why not yolo:')
Ur a total bea
Thanks yo;)
Cute funny fun to talk to and you have a hot body tbh:$
Who do you like?
Brandon ****ey:$
Who are ur top 7 best friends
Who do you miss the most?
Who do you want to see?
My baby Jenna;))
Who do you miss seeing?
you're beautiful
you're honestly perfect never forget that
s*ck my **** beautiful :*
Number one bestfriend?
Thoughts on
Veronica p
Cassandra m
Tyler w
Nicholas r
Nyasha a
Jasmina p
Mikayla e
Only like Tyler and nick:))
Isnt kya hot asf(;
Omf yeeeees;)
long hts babyyyyy:* jennahay
Your perfect I love you your smile is perfect ur as* is perfect everything about you is perfect;)