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Ask me anything you like anonymously

40 Replies

Mikayla shaw has been talking tons of sht calling you a ritch btch. I hate you but you should know that she's not a real friend

Omg same

alyssaconvey replied 2801 days ago

Which word have you started using a lot lately ?


alyssaconvey replied 2980 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

At school in prep☺

alyssaconvey replied 3055 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Stuff from the past

alyssaconvey replied 3085 days ago

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

Go to the moon or some sht like that?

alyssaconvey replied 3097 days ago

Tbh// sooo pretty, really nice and have some pretty funny replies on here ??

Aww thank you so much?

alyssaconvey replied 3097 days ago

What was the last lie you told?

I cleaned my room

alyssaconvey replied 3113 days ago

What movies do you like

Comedy :)

alyssaconvey replied 3113 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

I'm not ignoring anyone?

alyssaconvey replied 3125 days ago

Fave shop?

Haha Ai have no idea... Factorie and ally?

alyssaconvey replied 3140 days ago

Bahahahahaha your not popular honey, stop trying to be

Hmmm I have a feeling this is from the same person, say that to my face btch.❤️

alyssaconvey replied 3146 days ago

TBH- Funny, pretty kind. Ur rate is 9/10


alyssaconvey replied 3146 days ago

Honestly don't worry about what people say to you. You are really pretty and you seem nice <3 Plus I think I know who those people are, we'll talk soon.

Thanks, haha I actually don't care what people say about me because I don't need to waste my time with those low life people. I am myself and nobody can change that :)

alyssaconvey replied 3146 days ago

What are you obsessed with right now?

Sleep idk

alyssaconvey replied 3146 days ago

Why do you think your so cool and popular? Your actually not lmao

Well I guess I am????and also instead of being a coward btch then actually tell me who you are?

alyssaconvey replied 3146 days ago