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try not to be a b i t c h

81 Replies

A body part you think you could do without ?

uhm, ....none of it ? I need all of my anotomy thnx

alyssaleighann replied 3477 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

a half gramm, lul

alyssaleighann replied 3486 days ago

Dream holiday destination ?


alyssaleighann replied 3498 days ago

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

shop, get ****ed up, eat lots of junk food,

alyssaleighann replied 3534 days ago

What was your last dream about ?

*ex tbh.

alyssaleighann replied 3545 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

my siblings, my boy, my bestfriend

alyssaleighann replied 3558 days ago

Your biggest wish ?

It's a secret:))

alyssaleighann replied 3566 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

nothing, i accept my friends for who they are- flaws n all are always cherished.

alyssaleighann replied 3572 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

11:59-12:01 kissing trevor

alyssaleighann replied 3575 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

dying, spiders, clownss

alyssaleighann replied 3577 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

empty house, tokes, mcdons & my boy&kitty + some cuddles n a movie

alyssaleighann replied 3580 days ago

What are you addicted to?

my babys kisses

alyssaleighann replied 3582 days ago

You're not hot you're ugly inside and out just kills yourself the world be a better place without you.I don't see how you're "Mrs. Alliet" he's gonna cheat on you again like he has in the past you're 16 you're not going to marry him so get over it dumbass

1-I'm stunning to everyone that actually matyers to me so you insulting my looks doesnt affect me. 2- i will not kill myself, ive tried before and now im ever so thankful it never worked out. I will not die because some anon tells me so. & i am. 6 months faithful. Almost 7. He already plans on putting a ring on it like asaaap. #stopactinglikeyouknowmylife

alyssaleighann replied 3589 days ago

Your Dream Job?

kill annoying ****s n *****es

alyssaleighann replied 3600 days ago

are you stupid or just stupid? cold sores are herpes you fuucking ugly assss cunnt

i know its herpes, its the smallest case there is of it. & tons of people get them, you ignorant fuccck! & im hot so shove it(;

alyssaleighann replied 3600 days ago